A Christian ethicist says US should apologize for torturing terror suspects. The author of “EVANGELICAL MANIFESTO” who was trained in the Saul Alinsky Gamaliel Foundation, breeding ground of Marxists undergoing community organizing training in order to infiltrate churches, says US should apologize for torturing terror suspects.
Evangelical “Manifesto” is code for Marxist. Who would ever put a word so associated with Communism in the same sentence as religion? A community organizer trained by Saul Alinsky, the infamous mentor of Obama and Hillary who dedicated his book “Rules for Radicals” to Lucifer. That is who…
“America should apologize for torturing terrorist suspects held after Sept. 11, 2001, in the Middle East, Guantanamo Bay and dozens of other countries, a Christian ethicist and activist told an audience in Raleigh, North Carolina, this week. David Gushee, a professor at Mercer University in Georgia, spoke Tuesday night at Pullen Memorial Baptist Church. His speech, “Coming to Terms with Torture: Truth, Accountability, and Renunciation,” focused on a 6,400-page report he helped produce and was released last year by a panel formed by the Constitution Project, (funded by George Soros’ Open Society Institute)documenting the treatment of detainees. He also addressed the report by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence that was partially released in April.”
THIS IS DAVID GUSHEE…Evangelical Manifesto? How Marxist can you get?? Wake UP?? The serpent is in the church! He is a member of The New Evangelical Partnership of the Common Good. Look at their website…and at their “Creation Care Initiative.” They are promoting the United Nations GAIA religion, i.e. climate change…etc. Gaia=mother earth=Luciferian doctrine of the One World Religion. Connect the dots and research this for yourselves. Pushing out Jesus and “The Creator” putting in the Agenda 21 Plan of the UN.
The New Group of World Servers http://www.lucistrust.org/en/service_activities/world_goodwill/key_concepts/the_new_group_of_world_servers__1
87th Congressional debate September 4, 1962 by Honorable James B. Utt of California on Paul Harvey’s article “UNESCO Communism’s Trap for our Children”.
Blowup in Beirut: U.S. Marines Peacekeeping Mission Turns Deadly

“A terrorist truck bomb carrying explosives wrapped around gas cylinders detonated inside the BLT barracks, killing 241 people and injuring more than 100 while they slept. Investigators from the FBI would later determine that it was the largest nonnuclear blast they had ever studied. For the U.S. Marines, it was the largest loss of life in a single action since Vietnam; for the nation, it was the worst act of terrorism against Americans up to that time. In hindsight, it was a harbinger of what was to come.”
Everyone “Knows”
The one lesson everyone “knows” from World War II is that appeasement doesn’t work. The people who “know” this might not be able to locate the Sudetenland however ignorance is not a barrier to conviction. Link professor at the USAF Air War College in Montgomery, Alabama on the subject. He makes it clear that Britain’s implementation of Appeasement was terrible,
Navy Petty Officer Diver Robert Stetham passenger on TWA commercial Flight 847 murdered while on leave just because he was in Navy Uniform

No Sympathy for Hijackers, Conwell Says
July 05, 1985|J. MICHAEL KENNEDY | Times Staff Writer HOUSTON — Allyn B. Conwell, the Texas oil executive who was thrust into the public spotlight as spokesman for the 39 hostages held for 16 days in the Mideast, said Thursday that the hijackers of TWA Flight 847 should be hunted down and punished and that he has no sympathy for them.
He also said that he voluntarily removed himself from the role of spokesman as the hostages were being brought back to the United States from West Germany, primarily because he felt that the Reagan Administration no longer wanted him to speak for the group. They singled out Navy diver Stetham and murdered him because he was in uniform. He was only 23 years old…
Col. Higgins Was Hanged, Shiites Say; Bush Outraged : Another Hostage Threatened

BEIRUT — Pro-Iranian Shiite Muslim extremists said they hanged Marine Lt. Col. William R. Higgins today in retaliation for the Israeli abduction of a Hezbollah spiritual leader, and the group holding another American hostage threatened to kill him.
The Organization of the Oppressed on Earth, an offshoot of the pro-Iranian Hezbollah or Party of God, released a videotape of a man who appeared to be Higgins hanging from a gallows and said they had killed him today.
9. I strongly condemn the abduction and continuing detention of Lt. Col. Higgins. This incident occurred while he was carrying out functions assigned to him in order to assist UNIFIL to carry out the mandate given to it by the Security Council. That mandate has the full support of the Lebanese authorities and of the local population in southern Lebanon. I am greatly concerned about the possible implications such unwarranted attacks on members of the Force could have for its effectiveness. UNIFIL, if it is to continue its efforts to restore peace in southern Lebanon, must enjoy the full confidence and support of the local population and must receive co-operation from all the governments and armed groups active there
Hezbollah Rejects U.N. Call to Free American Hostage
BEIRUT — A pro-Iranian extremist group Sunday rejected a U.N. Security Council appeal for the release of American hostage Lt. Col. William R. Higgins, insisting that he was a U.S. spy working under U.N. cover.
“We reject this resolution. We consider it part of a plot against the Muslims and moujahedeen (holy warriors) of this area,” said Abbas Mousawi, a senior leader of Hezbollah, or Party of God.
Obama, Donors Block Relief for Families of Beirut Bombing Victims
“A high-powered Wall St. CEO and early, influential Obama supporter, Donald F. Donahue of the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), may be using his significant clout on behalf of the Obama administration and a questionable Iranian-linked strategic partner to stand in the way of American military families trying to recover billions of dollars to which they are legally entitled after being victimized by the infamous 1983 Iranian-sponsored bombing of a U.S. Marine Corp barracks in Beirut.”

Excerpts of Saul Alinsky quotes which David Gushee would have received in Gamaliel Community Organizer Training.
On page 71, speaking of his training program for political organizers, Alinsky remarked: “The qualities we were trying to develop in organizers in the years of attempting to train them included some qualities that in all probability cannot be taught. They either had them, or could get them only through a miracle from above or below.”
These are excerpts by Saul Alinsky on training David Gushee, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Mikey Weinstein any organizer associated with (IAF) Industrial Area Foundation or Gamaliel Foundation receive.
Remember, Alinsky He dedicated their bible “Rules for Radicals” to LUCIFER

On page 71, speaking of his training program for political organizers, Alinsky remarked: “The qualities we were trying to develop in organizers in the years of attempting to train them included some qualities that in all probability cannot be taught. They either had them, or could get them only through a miracle from above or below.”
“A Marxist begins with his prime truth that all evils are caused by the exploitation of the proletariat by the capitalists. From this he logically proceeds to the revolution to end capitalism, then into the third stage of reorganization into a new social order of the dictatorship of the proletariat, and finally the last stage — the political paradise of communism.”
“An Organizer working in and for an “Open Society” is an ideological dilemma to begin with, he does NOT have a “Fixed” truth, everything to him is relative and changing. To the extent that he is free from the shackles of dogma (accountability). He can respond to the realities of the widely different situationist” Rules For Radicals
To this day, most Americans do not fully understand what they are up against, and it may be too late for them to open their eyes to see their executioner clearly.
Selected Alinksy quotes paint the picture:
” . . . the primary assault would be on Biblical absolutes and Christian values.”
“Yesterday’s immoral terrorist is today’s moral and dignified statesman.”
“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.”
“One acts decisively only in the conviction that all the angels are on one side and all the devils on the other.”
“In a fight almost anything goes. It almost reaches the point where you stop to apologize if a chance blow lands above the belt.”
Read all of Alinsky’s poison in his 1971 book “Rules for Radicals,” which he dedicated to Lucifer. (Not kidding.)
He was a prophet of revolution, preaching any means are justified in the war against capitalism, the only moral value is victory.
He encouraged his followers to pose as middle class traditionalists, urging them to infiltrate, grab power, and attack. For Alinsky, those standing in his way were the enemy, and as with all enemies, they had to be destroyed.
So now you understand what has been happening since January 20, 2009.
Alinsky nurtured a special hatred for Christians
“Meet the genius sociopath godfather of the contemporary radicalized American Left, i.e., the modern-day Democrat Party, Saul Alinksy, patron saint of the Obama machine. Think of it: the most influential men in Obama’s life—Saul Alinsky, Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, and Franklin Davis Marshall—all pervert revolutionaries, all America haters, all communists.
To this day, most Americans do not fully understand what they are up against, and it may be too late for them to open their eyes to see their executioner clearly.”
Another Gamaliel Community Organizer who is over Pentagon Religious Freedom policy is a CONFESSED ATHEIST. “Freedom of Religion or “Freedom from Religion“.
If we created a “Religious Vacuum” eliminating God….Evil will fill that vacuum!! Proven Modern Warfare Strategy.
Mikey Weinstein a retired Air Force JAG Cum Laude of Gamaliel Foundation refers to Christians as “monsters” while supporting jihadists. Weinstein was appointed over Pentagon Religious Freedoms. His attacks against military religious freedoms has been unprecedented in history of our country. 2008 International Leadership Assembly in Washington, D.C. He does NOT advocate military religious freedom…more like freedom FROM Christianity…
Fundamentalist Christian Monsters: Papa’s (MIKEY FEINSTEIN) Got A Brand New Bag
“Ladies and Gentlemen, let me tell you of monsters and monstrous wrongs. And let me tell you what these bloody monsters thrive on.
I founded the civil rights fighting organization the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) to do one thing: fight those monsters who would tear down the Constitutionally-mandated wall separating church and state in the technologically most lethal entity ever created by humankind, the U.S. military.” WEINSTEIN NEEDS TO READ THE LETTERS BETWEEN THE DANBURY BAPTISTS AND THOMAS JEFFERSON, WHICH HAS BEEN DELIBERATELY MISUSED AND TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT BY JUDGES TO REVISE HISTORY AND DISTORT THE TRUTH ABOUT RELIGIOUS FREEDOM IN AMERICA. THERE IS NO SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE ANYWHERE IN THE CONSTITUTION.
Christians Silenced By ‘Separation of Church and State’ Lie
People have demanded God doesn’t have a place in schools, in municipal buildings, even in stores.Why? Because nobody has stopped to inspect the U.S. Constitution. The world keeps saying they’re right because of this, non-existent piece of legislation and Christians appear to be too scared to face them. So, for the past however many years, Christianity has been hogtied. It’s as if our children are now in danger of suspension if they add the Name of the Most High God into a written paper, while if an unbelieving student goes around taking that same Name in vain, it’s considered art!”
Obama Organizes Army of Community Organizers to Ensure His Reelection
One of Barack Obama’s first big “community organizer” jobs involved ACORN in 1992. He worked along side ACORN before he became an elected official. Obama also trained ACORN employees. He represented ACORN in court. Obama worked with and protested with ACORN. His campaign donated $800,000 to ACORN in 2008 for voter registration efforts.
Was Karl Marx a Satanist?
Karl Marx and Engels created philosophy of psychology. There is clearly a reverse psychology guilt trip. Christian?? David Gushee is a leader at Gamaliel Foundation where both Obama and Mikey Weinstein atheist Jew. Gamaliel Foundation is branch of (IAF) Industrial Area Foundation started by Saul Alinsky himself. Shame on Stars and Stripes for posting this garbage.
Karl Marx Satanic Poems:
Editor’s note: This article was translated into English from material in a Russian book published under the name “Georgi Marchenko.” It was likely published for distribution during the time of the USSR under a pseudonym. The entire book was published in English as Marx & Satan by Richard Wurmbrand. Readers are encouraged to obtain a copy of this book if they find this article interesting.
Karl Marx poetry: Satanic indeed…
Congressional Testimony of REV. RICHARD WURMBRAND
HEARING Before the Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws, of the Committee on the Judiciary, Washington, D.C.
Friday, May 6, 1966
The subcommittee met, pursuant to call, at 10:20 a.m., in room 18, Old Senate Office Building, Senator Thomas J. Dodd presiding. Also present: Jay G. Sourwine, chief counsel; Benjamin Mandel, director of research; Frank W. Schroeder, chief investigator; and Robert C. McManus, investigations analyst.
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