What is truth and what is propaganda? http://nypost.com/2014/07/06/this-means-warren-obama-backs-challenger-to-hillary/
- While media reports Obama supports Warren facts prove otherwise. Unless of course The Office of President used primarily for fundraising!
- While media reports Obama supports Warren facts prove otherwise.
- Credit Soros Files
Did stigma of Benghazi cause Soros to ditch Hillary again?
Money Chooses Sides Obama fundraiser
Should Democrats follow Warren? Remember Obama’s statement “You didn’t build that business”?? Elizabeth Warren’s You Didn’t Build That Speech as made famous by Obama HD
Has media forgotten Elizabeth Warren’s lies to get affirmative action of Native American credit?
Did Elizabeth Warren’s Great-Great-Great Grandfather round up Cherokees for the Trail of Tears? http://americaswatchtower.com/2012/05/08/did-elizabeth-warrens-great-great-great-grandfather-round-up-cherokees-for-the-trail-of-tears/
Elizabeth Warren caught defrauding asbestos victims while practicing law without a license.