Was Governor Haslam really upset at Illegal children dumped off in the middle of the night? Or could it have been planned like everyone else?
With the recent orchestrated “escorted” influx of illegal children from South America where is America headed? Do we stand up for “OUR” children’s future or do we fall for Saul Alinsky’s 4th Rule?
With reports nationwide of many diseases including lice scabies and TB this raises concerned for children when they return back to school.
Federal and Soros funded CCHD to launder money into state contractors for distribution of illegal children in Tennessee.
Tennessee constitution prevents “Monopolies” from operating if enforced:
§ 22. Perpetuities and monopolies That perpetuities and monopolies are contrary to the genius of a free State, and shall not be allowed.
Refugee Resettlement Watch Report:
Refugee resettlement contractors say don’t give their money to the children. They want the money for their businesses! These contractors are paid to bring refugees to Tennessee.
This year Congress increased funding for refugee resettlement contractor business to $1.489 billion, an increase from last year’s $1.12 billion but still short the additional $1.6 billion that refugee contractors demanded.
Federal refugee contractors like the TN Office for Refugees (TOR) operating in Tennessee, are complaining that the U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) may use some of the contractors’ money to help the children crossing the border. TOR says that if their money is reduced they won’t be able to help the refugees they have brought to Tennessee. To date, there has been no suggestion by TOR that they would reduce the number of people they plan to bring to the State.
The federal contractors have been directed by their leadership to lobby Congress for more money, which in part is why Pres. Obama’s original request of $2 billion in emergency spending for the border is now $3.7 billion. If Congress approves this request, the illegals will get to stay and TOR will get all its money. Why shouldn’t the contractors get to save their cake and eat it too? Report here:
Refugee contractors have an organized campaign to get more tax dollars due to border invasion and this time it is Tennessee

The CCHD and Saul Alinsky
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) is a Washington, D.C.-based, anti-poverty foundation, founded by the Catholic bishops of the United States in 1969. Replenished annually by a November collection in Catholic parishes, the $15 million foundation gives grants to a wide-range community organizing groups, including those associated with Industrial Areas Foundation, ACORN and other community organizing networks, as well as independent organizing efforts. In addition, CCHD funds worker and community owned development projects.
Generally, these efforts are not affiliated with the Catholic Church. CCHD is one of the largest, if not the single largest, funders of Alinsky-tradition community organizing in the United States. Its origins are in the Catholic Committee for Urban Ministry (CCUM), a 1960s group that brought together clergy, women religious and lay leaders working in our nation’s cities for racial and economic justice
Investigation into Catholic Campaign for Human Development unorthodox scandals of concerning U.S. Conference for Catholic Bishops specifically “Bishops Subcommittee on the Catholic Campaign for Human Development”.
CCHD and how the Catholic Church was infiltrated by Alinsky followers. This video by Michael Voris of RealCatholicTV titled “The CCHD and Saul Alinsky” explains a lot. It explains how the Church was infiltrated by Alinsky followers and why Chicago is a source of so much heterodoxy. There’s even a tie in with Father Frank Pavone’s situation. You see Bishop Zurek’s mentor, Bishop John McCarthy of Austin, was one of the founders of CCHD. (See the article below that mentions Fr. John McCarthy as an assistant to Msgr. George Higgins — a rather famous labor activist at the time. Sure, it’s OK for Catholic priests to be pro-labor activists, but not pro-Life activists.)
Catholic Parishioners demanded investigation into radical actions within Catholic Church. Great investigation. Exposes Saul Alinsky’s style organizations to distort churches (IAF) Industrial Area Foundation and Gamaliel Foundation.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=481bgi5Du0sApostate Catholic organization funded by George Soros carry out his “Open Borders” goals.
Alinsky’s “community organizers” are nothing but a front for his socialist agenda. CCHD was founded specifically to funnel Catholic Church funds into the network of “community organizations” founded by Alinsky.
Note also that the “community organizer” Barack Obama got his start in Chicago working with some of Alinsky’s disciples and reportedly received funds from CCHD. http://publicvigil.blogspot.com/2011/10/cchd-and-how-catholic-church-was.html
He was RECRUITED by Marty Kaufman, which is a pseudonym for Jerry Kellman. Obama writes about him
at length throughout the memoir’s 160-page section on his experience organizing in Chicago. Kellman has a signed copy. It reads “To Jerry, a friend and a mentor. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ “Campaign for Human Development” paid a young Barack Obama’s airfare to a training program on community organizing given by the Industrial Areas Foundation, an organization founded by leftist radical Saul Alinsky, according a book, No Higher Power, written by conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly and journalist George Neumayr, which reports that “In the 1980s, the Catholic archdiocese of Chicago contributed to the training of Obama in the very Alinskyite radicalism that would culminate in such anti-religious measures as the HHS mandate,” according to an article on the book published by the Blaze.
CCHD and how the Catholic Church was infiltrated by Alinsky followers
“When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” John 8:44 http://publicvigil.blogspot.com/2011/10/cchd-and-how-catholic-church-was.html
“Separation of church and State? What separation of church and state!! Obama’s stimulus pours millions into faith-based groups http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1210/45897.html
Washington 2013 A newly released report highlights the ongoing threats to the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, the U.S. church’s premier anti-poverty initiative, from conservative groups and prelates who object to giving money to organizations not in full compliance with church teaching.
Saul Alinsky Goes to Church… Hillary and Alinsky met at a Methodist Church picnic in Chicago.
The origins of community organizing are generally traced to the pioneering work of Saul Alinsky, who built the first community organizing effort in Chicago’s Back of the Yards neighborhood in the 1930s. Alinsky created the early community-based efforts by organizing existing groups into collective action around particular issues. Investigation is limited to scope of IAF Industrial Area Foundation. Same Marxist style training is Gamaliel Foundation which Obama worked and trained.
II. Reasons for selecting the Industrial Areas Foundation for this Commentary:
1. The IAF receives the largest percentage of CHD grants of any CHD grantee. During the funding period of 1992-1997, CHD has awarded significant grants to the IAF. The IAF has received approximately 15% of the national CHD annual budget between 1992-1997.1 This represents approximately $6,466,500 during this funding period.
2. The CHD is historically related to the IAF. The consistently high proportion of CHD grants to the IAF is in itself a reason to study IAF activities. The IAF’s historical relationship to the CHD is another: “There was no formal link between the Campaign for Human Development and the Industrial Areas Foundation [at the CHD’s inception]; but the philosophy behind the newly established CHD had been influenced by key Catholic leaders who in turn had been influenced by Alinsky and the IAF. In fact, funding from the CHD over the years has often gone to broad based community organizations established with the support of the IAF.2 During his visit to Britain in 1990, Rev. Al LoPinto, then director of the Campaign for Human Development, explained that the Campaign had no formal commitment to the IAF and broad based community organizing; however, they found the approach to be effective and the IAF organizers to be very professional.”3
III. Founding of the Industrial Areas Foundation:
1. The IAF was founded by organizer Saul Alinsky.4 Saul Alinsky wrote two books outlining his organizational principles and strategies: Reveille for Radicals (1946) and Rules for Radicals (1971).5