“Tanks across the borders” …that’s not gonna happen…
Really Hillary?? What about the Christian’s slaughtered in the name of your “Donmeh” Caliphate??
“Well, first of all as I just said, what are we going to arm them with and against what? We’re not going to bring tanks over the borders of Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan. That’s not going to happen. So maybe at best you can smuggle in, you know, automatic weapons. Maybe some other weapons that you could get in. To whom? Where do you go? You can’t get into Homs. Where do you go? And to whom are you delivering them?”

Pentagon spokesman Cmdr. Bill Speaks confirmed the weapons transfers and expressed concerns about the captured arms.
ISIL Moving Seized U.S. Tanks, Humvees to Syria
Syrian and Iraqi terrorist forces obtained significant numbers of tanks, trucks, and U.S.-origin Humvees in recent military operations in Iraq and those arms are being shipped to al Qaeda rebels in Syria, according to U.S. officials. read more here.
Hillary’s jokes on thought of U.S. funding terrorists group. Is it possible the millions Hillary sent to Egypt and Morsi could have funded unrest as Hillary did in Ukraine?? State Department Victoria Nuland admitted to NGO funding.

Party leader Yulia Temoshenko at a reception held in Kiev in 2010.
Will Hillary succeed in fulfilling Soros plan to replace “Washington Consensus” for “Istanbul Process”??
McClatchy Foreign Staff September 29, 2014
Turkey sends tanks to border as Islamic State closes on Kurdish city
Turkey deployed 35 armored vehicles, including at least a dozen tanks, to the border with Syria on Monday as Islamist extremists closed in on the Syrian Kurdish border town of Kobane, raining shells from two directions
Kerry Dissociates Jihadist Extremism From Islam, Cites Factors Like Deprivation, Palestine, Climate Change http://cnsnews.com/video/cnsnews/kerry-dissociates-jihadist-extremism-islam-cites-factors-deprivation-palestine-climate