The Coming Islamic Caliphate: SAUDIS = Wahhabist Empire
"Perhaps it is a universal truth that the loss of liberty at home is to be charged against provisions against danger, real or pretended from abroad" . James Madison
Letter to Thomas Jefferson 13 May 1798 published in Letters and Other Writings of James Madison (1865), Vol. II, p. 141Is New World Order being created in … Continue Reading ››
Money is the God of our Time & Rothschild is the Prophet
From "The Transfer Agreement" to "Balfour Declaration" everything was based on letter Gen. Albert Pike wrote to Giuseppe Mazzini Aug. 15 1871. This letter remained on display at British Museum Library until Baron Rothschild became director. For some reason the letter disappeared.
Is this "the beginning of Jacob's Trouble?" Rothschild is one of … Continue Reading ››
Wahhabi and Islam invasion of America
The Wahhabi Invasion of America
The invasion of America is taking place right under our noses, with the help of the Elite Oligarchy (including Bushes, Clinton, and especially Obama administrations) the Saudia Arabia regime which created the Wahhabi Islam sect, is laying the groundwork for the 5th column in America. Wahhabi, Haqqani Network, Boko … Continue Reading ››UPDATE Trading deserters for detainees? The “official story” and the truth are not congruent…
UPDATE: AP Cpl. Wassef Ali Hassoun, 34, turned himself in and was being flown Sunday from an undisclosed location in the Middle East to Norfolk, Va. He is to be moved Monday to Camp Lejeune in North Carolina, according to a spokesman, Capt. Eric Flanagan.
Despite his fifteen minutes of fame on Al-Jazeera … Continue Reading ››BLOWBACK: Haqqani Network Trained By The C.I.A., Now The Number One Threat To U.S. Forces, just like Al-Qaeda (aka Mujahadeen).
Haqqani Network, like the Mujahadeen (which later changed its name to Al-Qaeda), was supported financially and militarily by the U.S., starting under President Jimmy Carter. Guided by National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, who holds the same position 3 decades later under Barack Obama, the Carter Doctrine provided U.S financial aid and the best military training … Continue Reading ››
Muslim Caliphate Underway? Obama and Muslim Convert CIA Director John Brennan funding and releasing America’s enemies
John Brennan Wears Bracelet for POW Bowe Bergdahl at Confirmation Hearing
In 2013, despite Pentagon intel report and all of Bergdahl's co-workers saying that he voluntarily left his post and deserted, Muslim convert CIA Director wore a support bracelet for Bowe Bergdahl. WHY??? FLASHBACK: The Day I'm Inaugurated Muslim Hostility Will Ease
Is that because … Continue Reading ››Obama vs U.S. Military: demoralize, destabilize, destroy
IS This Really How We Honor Our Nation's Veterans? "Making matters worse, thanks to Operation Vigilant Eagle, a program launched by the Department of Homeland Security in 2009, military veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan are also being characterized as extremists and potential domestic terrorist … Continue Reading ››SLEEPERS Emerge
Did Jesus Succumb to Politcal Correctness?
Revelation 3:14-17 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)
14 "And unto the Angel of the Church of the Laodiceans write, These things saith Amen, the faithful and true witness, that beginning of the creatures of God. 15 know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou werest cold or hot. 16 Therefore … Continue Reading ››