It appears that CERN is going beyond the “God Particle” with their “Creator Project”. Symmetry resembles Islamic Sufism mystic “Sufi” dance. Reports say the funding for CERN is funneled through Carbon and Global Warming taxes.
Sufi dance is a mystical type of worship and trance like meditation from the more modern form to primitive form. Even Stephen Hawkings warned “The God Particle” could end up killing us.
The Clintons’ entire political careers, including Chelsea, have been focused on buzz words like “new social contract,” “paradigm shift,” and “third universe”. The Clinton administration opened the door to international trade agreements and passage of N.A.F.T.A. Act. Few understand the connection with “trade” and beast system. Karl Marx’s mentor created philosophy of Master-Slave dialectic.
It seems the Kabbalah Communist theory has succeeded in completing tzimtzum on the Christian nation. Romans 1:28 When you create a vacuum its opposite and equal reaction will flood in.
“There is no longer any political question at issue here. This thing cannot be judged or estimated by political rules or principles. It is “Iniquity” under a political mask. It is not something to be brought before the bar of world history but rather something that has to be dealt with by the judicial administration of each country.”
Dr. Joseph Goebbels speech delivered in Nuremberg 13 Sept 1935 Seventh National Socialist Party"Oulanem" Drama written by Karl Marx I shall howl gigantic curses wry mankind:
Ha! Eternity! She is an eternal grief …
Ourselves being clockwork, blindly mechanical,
Made to be the foul-calendars of Time and Space,
Having no purpose save to happen, to be ruined,
So that there shall be something to ruin …
If there is a something which devours,
I’ll leap within it, though I bring the world to ruins-
The world which bulks between me and the Abyss
I will smash to pieces with my enduring curses.
I’ll throw my arms around its harsh reality:
Embracing me, the world will dumbly pass away,
And then sink down to utter nothingness,
Perished, with no existence – that would be really living!