Was Governor Haslam really upset at Illegal children dumped off in the middle of the night?  Or could it have been planned like everyone else?

With the recent orchestrated “escorted” influx of illegal children from South America where is America headed?  Do we stand up for “OUR” children’s future or do we fall for Saul Alinsky’s 4th Rule?

With reports nationwide of many diseases including lice scabies and TB this raises concerned for children when they return back to school.

Federal and  Soros funded CCHD to launder money into state contractors for distribution of  illegal children in Tennessee.

Tennessee constitution prevents “Monopolies” from operating if enforced:

§ 22. Perpetuities and monopolies That perpetuities and monopolies are contrary to the genius of a free State, and shall not be allowed.


Refugee Resettlement Watch Report:

Refugee resettlement contractors say don’t give their money to the children. They want the money for their businesses! These contractors are paid to bring refugees to Tennessee.

This year Congress increased funding for refugee resettlement contractor business to $1.489 billion, an increase from last year’s $1.12 billion but still short the additional $1.6 billion that refugee contractors demanded.

Federal refugee contractors like the TN Office for Refugees (TOR) operating in Tennessee, are complaining that the U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) may use some of the contractors’ money to help the children crossing the border. TOR says that if their money is reduced they won’t be able to help the refugees they have brought to Tennessee. To date, there has been no suggestion by TOR that they would reduce the number of people they plan to bring to the State.

The federal contractors have been directed by their leadership to lobby Congress for more money, which in part is why Pres. Obama’s original request of $2 billion in emergency spending for the border is now $3.7 billion. If Congress approves this request, the illegals will get to stay and TOR will get all its money. Why shouldn’t the contractors get to save their cake and eat it too? Report here:

Refugee contractors have an organized campaign to get more tax dollars due to border invasion and this time it is Tennessee

Holly Johnson, Catholic Charities of Tennessee, decides which ethnic groups and how many refugees will come to the state. The state has no say in the matter
Holly Johnson, Catholic Charities of Tennessee, decides which ethnic groups and how many refugees will come to the state. The state has no say in the matter



The CCHD and Saul Alinsky

The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) is a Washington, D.C.-based, anti-poverty foundation, founded by the Catholic bishops of the United States in 1969. Replenished annually by a November collection in Catholic parishes, the $15 million foundation gives grants to a wide-range community organizing groups, including those associated with Industrial Areas Foundation, ACORN and other community organizing networks, as well as independent organizing efforts. In addition, CCHD funds worker and community owned development projects.

Generally, these efforts are not affiliated with the Catholic Church. CCHD is one of the largest, if not the single largest, funders of Alinsky-tradition community organizing in the United States. Its origins are in the Catholic Committee for Urban Ministry (CCUM), a 1960s group that brought together clergy, women religious and lay leaders working in our nation’s cities for racial and economic justice

Investigation into Catholic Campaign for Human Development unorthodox scandals of concerning U.S. Conference for Catholic Bishops specifically “Bishops Subcommittee on the Catholic Campaign for Human Development”.

CCHD and how the Catholic Church was infiltrated by Alinsky followers. This video by Michael Voris of RealCatholicTV titled “The CCHD and Saul Alinsky” explains a lot. It explains how the Church was infiltrated by Alinsky followers and why Chicago is a source of so much heterodoxy. There’s even a tie in with Father Frank Pavone’s situation. You see Bishop Zurek’s mentor, Bishop John McCarthy of Austin, was one of the founders of CCHD. (See the article below that mentions Fr. John McCarthy as an assistant to Msgr. George Higgins — a rather famous labor activist at the time. Sure, it’s OK for Catholic priests to be pro-labor activists, but not pro-Life activists.)

Catholic Parishioners demanded investigation into radical actions within Catholic Church.  Great investigation.  Exposes Saul Alinsky’s style organizations to distort churches (IAF) Industrial Area Foundation and Gamaliel Foundation.


Apostate Catholic organization funded by George Soros carry out his “Open Borders” goals.

Alinsky’s “community organizers” are nothing but a front for his socialist agenda.  CCHD was founded specifically to funnel Catholic Church funds into the network of “community organizations” founded by Alinsky.

Note also that the “community organizer” Barack Obama got his start in Chicago working with some of Alinsky’s disciples and reportedly received funds from CCHD. http://publicvigil.blogspot.com/2011/10/cchd-and-how-catholic-church-was.html


He was RECRUITED by Marty Kaufman, which is a pseudonym for Jerry Kellman. Obama writes about him
at length throughout the memoir’s 160-page section on his experience organizing in Chicago. Kellman has a signed copy. It reads “To Jerry, a friend and a mentor.  The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ “Campaign for Human Development” paid a young Barack Obama’s airfare to a training program on community organizing given by the Industrial Areas Foundation, an organization founded by leftist radical Saul Alinsky, according a book, No Higher Power, written by conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly and journalist George Neumayr, which  reports that “In the 1980s, the Catholic archdiocese of Chicago contributed to the training of Obama in the very Alinskyite radicalism that would culminate in such anti-religious measures as the HHS mandate,” according to an article on the book published by the Blaze.

CCHD and how the Catholic Church was infiltrated by Alinsky followers

“When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” John 8:44 http://publicvigil.blogspot.com/2011/10/cchd-and-how-catholic-church-was.html

“Separation of church and State? What separation of church and state!! Obama’s stimulus pours millions into faith-based groups http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1210/45897.html

Washington 2013  A newly released report highlights the ongoing threats to the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, the U.S. church’s premier anti-poverty initiative, from conservative groups and prelates who object to giving money to organizations not in full compliance with church teaching.

Saul Alinsky Goes to Church…  Hillary and Alinsky met at a Methodist Church picnic  in Chicago.

The origins of community organizing are generally traced to the pioneering work of Saul Alinsky, who built the first community organizing effort in Chicago’s Back of the Yards neighborhood in the 1930s. Alinsky created the early community-based efforts by organizing existing groups into collective action around particular issues.  Investigation is limited to scope of IAF Industrial Area Foundation.  Same Marxist style training is Gamaliel Foundation which Obama worked and trained.  

II. Reasons for selecting the Industrial Areas Foundation for this Commentary:


1. The IAF receives the largest percentage of CHD grants of any CHD grantee. During the funding period of 1992-1997, CHD has awarded significant grants to the IAF. The IAF has received approximately 15% of the national CHD annual budget between 1992-1997.1 This represents approximately $6,466,500 during this funding period.


2. The CHD is historically related to the IAF. The consistently high proportion of CHD grants to the IAF is in itself a reason to study IAF activities. The IAF’s historical relationship to the CHD is another: “There was no formal link between the Campaign for Human Development and the Industrial Areas Foundation [at the CHD’s inception]; but the philosophy behind the newly established CHD had been influenced by key Catholic leaders who in turn had been influenced by Alinsky and the IAF. In fact, funding from the CHD over the years has often gone to broad based community organizations established with the support of the IAF.2 During his visit to Britain in 1990, Rev. Al LoPinto, then director of the Campaign for Human Development, explained that the Campaign had no formal commitment to the IAF and broad based community organizing; however, they found the approach to be effective and the IAF organizers to be very professional.”3

III. Founding of the Industrial Areas Foundation:

 1. The IAF was founded by organizer Saul Alinsky.4 Saul Alinsky wrote two books outlining his organizational principles and strategies: Reveille for Radicals (1946) and Rules for Radicals (1971).5



“WAR IS A RACKET” General Smedley Butler

wars oligarchy Nissi

“Organic State” and it’s role during Dark Ages and “Feudal” Rivalry and alliances during “Medieval Period”.

Feudalism  and The Modern State   

It is obvious if one listened to Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira) the world would without a doubt be largest feudal system known to man.

Revive the Spirit of 1776 instead!!

There is a consistent and ongoing plan to bring down American “Exceptionalism,” both  economically and militarily, but many fail to understand her role in the economic feudal system.    While America was initially created as “Free Market,” the slow infiltration of private banks and enthroned corporations has put us in the position that we now  find ourselves  in: a  command economic system. In a command economic system or planned economy, the government controls the economy. The state decides how to use and distribute resources. The government regulates prices and wages; it may even determine what sorts of work individuals do. Background and history of money changers and usury.

Early History of Commerce Trade Control

Can we trace the history of  the tyrannical control of commerce and trade  to  its origin ?

Total Economic Power in history involved religion leading to religious tyranny.  Could the “War on Terror play into this?  While the right have already passed “Noahide Laws” the left  is undeniably working toward their goal of Sharia Law.    See the History of Muslims and Ancient Assyrians. We now have global effort for “Noahide Laws” in progress.

Using history as our guide  did the periods of total religious, commerce, military, and economic result in freedom?

Whether “Noahide Laws” reviving Solomon’s economic kingdom at at that time or Assyrian (Muslim) history of Ancient Babylon either will lead to 21st Century Babylon and Tower of Babel.

The facts are here if we study it out and look at history.

King Solomon’s fall and the connection to the history of King of Tyre  in building of Temple  but global commerce and trade. King Solomon need Queen of Sheba’s products for commerce.

King Solomon made alliances with King of Tyre. The Prince of Tyre was a human, while the King of Tyre was actually was Satan, pulling the string in the earthly realm.
King Solomon made alliances with King of Tyre. The Prince of Tyre was human but he was rebuked by God in Ezekiel 28, while the King of Tyre was actually was Satan, pulling the string in the earthly realm. This can be understood using Gen. Clausewitz “Paradoxical Trinity”.

Is  the “Ecumenical” and “Messiah Essence” theology destined for failure when compared to world history?   Is America’s freedoms endowed by man? #ENDOWEDBYTHEIRCREATOR. 

Are we heading toward religious tyranny and deception on a global scale?

“…..and who knows where mythology leaves off and history begins”  Saul Alinsky “Rules For Radicals” dedication to Lucifer

King Solomon, Israel and Phonetician Empire (Tyre) worked together to build Solomon’s temple.

Commercial Enterprises: Trade with other nations was another of Solomon’s contributions to the nation of Israel. The international situation was favorable for a strong leader to emerge in Palestine; traditional centers of strength in Egypt and Syria were at an all-time low. Solomon entered into trade agreements with a number of nations, increasing Israel’s wealth and prestige.

Although Solomon had a strong army, he relied upon a system of treaties with his neighbors to keep the peace. Egypt was allied with Israel through the marriage of Solomon to the daughter of the Pharaoh. The sea-faring cities of Tyre and Sidon were also united to Israel by trade agreements.

Some of Israel’s trade was conducted overland by way of camel caravans. But the most significant trade was by sea across the Mediterranean Sea through an alliance with Tyre. Solomon’s ships apparently went as far west as Spain to bring back silver. Archaeologists have discovered an old mine in ancient Ethiopia that is believed to have been one of Solomon’s sources of silver.

Soon Solomon became the ruler of a huge commercial empire. Archaeologists believe that Solomon’s trading may have brought him into conflict with the Queen of Sheba. One purpose of her famous visit to Solomon may have been to establish trade agreements between Solomon’s kingdom and her own nation (I Kings 10:1-13).

Globalization and it’s effect on U.S. economy and employment.

If you’re  unaware that the U.S. is broke at $17+ Trillion dollars in debt and lower interest rate to Rothschild Central Banking scheme you are behind the curve.  While BO stated he would end K Street Lobbyist  stranglehold on D.C., he’s only eliminated the opposition.

What is the Presidents Club and Carlyle Group. Are they intertwined?

Bill Clinton’s globalization plan. What did he really do?

Bill Clinton renewed China favored country status. Was Hillary Clinton on Walmart board of directors prior to WH terms??

Do Clinton’s have ties with global foreign influence?

How has U.S. Oligarchy contributed to global economic crisis?  Hillary and elites “Istanbul Process” how will it achieve lefts goal of “Hashem” by 

Recently Bill Clinton did (paid I’m sure) speech for Peter Peterson Foundation  

during which he laughed and joked at Hillary’s  health problems.  According to Peterson Foundation corporations only paid 10% of total federal income tax revenue.  Houston, Do we have a problem here?

What is the Eurasian Economic Union?   What role did U.S. play into union/treaty?      The Ukrainian Crisis  and who was involved.

Will EEU allow Erdogen’s request to enter?  This would revive the head of old Turkish-Ottoman Empire taken down in WW1. Constantinople was renamed Istanbul after WW1?

We Must study and understand history to prevent it’s mistakes!  Think twice act once life has no dress rehearsals!

Islam’s Global Domination


The Coming Islamic Caliphate: SAUDIS = Wahhabist Empire

“Perhaps it is a universal truth that the loss of liberty at home is to be charged against provisions against danger, real or pretended from abroad” . James Madison

Letter to Thomas Jefferson 13 May 1798  published in Letters and Other Writings of James Madison (1865), Vol. II, p. 141

Is New World Order being created in front of our eyes using Hegelian Dialect?

Hegel’s method in philosophy consists of the triadic development (Entwicklung) in each concept and each thing. Thus, he hopes, philosophy will not contradict experience, but will give data of experience to the philosophical, which is the ultimately true explanation. If, for instance, we wish to know what liberty is, we take that concept where we first find it—the unrestrained action of the savage, who does not feel the need of repressing any thought, feeling, or tendency to act.  Psychological Warfare with use of confusion of opposing conflicts and propaganda will result in loss of ability to resist or defend yourself, country or family.

Another  "ISM" created to bring down Washington Consensus down with Communism.
 “Hegelism” Another “ISM” created to bring Washington Consensus  down with Communism.
The Powers that be in full control  of economy and government in Britain through debt to money lenders in 1600’s/1700’s.   During Middle Ages European Kings placed in power by Roman Catholic church.  Example of this is Charlemagne .  Vatican became indebted to Illuminati and now they control Vatican and experts at Cannon Law.


In a December 13 meeting with the Vice Minister of Interior, the Consul General and human rights officer raised the issue of religious freedom.

The Islamic Caliphate is forming before our eyes! WAHHABISM of Saudi Arabia is SHARIA LAW ON STEROIDS.


Wahhabism, means of advancing goals of UK colonialism in Islamic world

The Basis for Wahhabi ideas grew in the shadow of power and politics. In the internal dimension, there is no doubt that the relationship between Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab and Muhammad ibn Saud, the emir of Al-Diriyah, guaranteed the survival of Wahhabism.

Saudi Arabia Royal Family are Jewish by lineage of Ishmael!
Saudi Arabia Royal Family are Jewish by lineage of Ishmael!

500,000 flee  as Wahhabi militants in firm control of Iraq’s Mosul Are we getting the “Big Picture” here?  British created Wahhabi is killing off Muslim and non-Muslim.

Sunday  10/08/2014,  23:50   (Jerusalem  BASHIQA, Iraq (AFP) — Wahhabi militants were in firm control Wednesday of Iraq’s second city Mosul after seizing it and a swathe of other territory, patrolling its streets and calling for government employees to return to work.

Half a million flee’ The International Organization for Migration said Wednesday that around half a million Iraqis had fled their homes in Mosul following the city’s fall, fearing increased violence.

The Geneva-based organization said its sources on the ground estimated the violence leading up to ISIL’s total takeover “displaced over 500,000 people in and around the city.”

The violence in Mosul “has resulted in a high number of casualties among civilians,” the IOM added.

Known for its ruthless tactics and suicide bombers, ISIL is arguably the most capable force fighting President Bashar Assad inside Syria as well as the most powerful militant group in Iraq.

The takeover of Mosul prompted the United States to voice deep concern about the “extremely serious” situation and warn that ISIL poses “a threat to the entire region.”

UN chief Ban Ki-moon’s spokesman said he was “gravely concerned by the serious deteriorating of the security situation in Mosul.”

ISIL is led by the shadowy Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and backed by thousands of Islamist fighters in Syria and Iraq, many of them Westerners, and it appears to be surpassing al-Qaeda as the world’s most dangerous Wahhabi militant group.

Qatar embraces Wahhabism to strengthen regional influence

12/2011 Qatari Emir inaugurates ‘Imam Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab’ Mosque in Doha, vows to spread ‘teachings of Islam in whole world’.

Qatari Emir inaugurates ‘Imam Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab’ Mosque in Doha, vows to spread ‘teachings of Islam in whole world’.
Qatari Emir inaugurates ‘Imam Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab’ Mosque in Doha, vows to spread ‘teachings of Islam in whole world’.


Can the powers that be unite prior Turkish-Ottoman Empire with Saudi sect of Wahhabi flag of unity “Talaweed”.



West Point Independent “Combating Terrorism Center at West Point” funded  Foundations and NGO’s   “Harmony Project” 

With Meca 2020 Project finished will Democrats win the race over Republican oligarchy with their assigned “Established Religion” goal?
The HORN of Satan is Najd. Location:   Saudi Arabia. Who created Wahhabism? British Intelligence.

WAHABBI sects “stirred up” by Democrats during Carter Administration are “Culling” among their own. Wahabbi (Saudis) created by Britain stirred up by Democrats is ONLY way. Al-Qaeda is Saudi base for genocide of other muslim sects. Tell a lie big enough, often enough eventually they will believe it. Allah/Sin (Crescent Moon god was Satan himself. Wahabbi is “Allah’s “Old Time Religion”

Scholar from al-Azhar: Wahhabism is a Satanic Faith, the Horn of the Devil that Muhammad Predicted
Scholar from al-Azhar: Wahhabism is a Satanic Faith, the Horn of the Devil that Muhammad Predicted


Scholar from al-Azhar: Wahhabism is a Satanic Faith, the Horn of the Devil that Muhammad Predicted


Wahhabism as a Tool of Colonialism.  Could the biblical prophecy “The First shall be last and the Last shall be first” apply with seed of Issac and Ishmael?  Saudi Royal Family Britain’s deal was struck with are direct descendants of Ishmael. 

If Al Saud’s initial success could be owed to the spirit of violence, killing Muslims and plundering their assets, its subsequent achievement would undoubtedly be thanks to the British government’s economic, political and military aid. This is so that any analysis of the issue would be futile without considering the UK’s role.  Although Al Saud used the slogan of monotheism to justify its performance until the fall of the second Saudi and Wahhabi period, in the beginning of the third era Wahhabism itself turned into means of advancing Britain’s goals in the Islamic world.”http://hwaairfan.wordpress.com/2013/11/02/wahhabism-as-a-tool-of-colonialism/

Saudi Wahhabi Leaders See Turkish Threat over Caliphate

Wahhabi clerics are easily provoked upon hearing that other Muslims may entertain the idea of restoring the Muslim caliphate. They strongly believe that Muslims other than themselves are godless and unqualified to claim the honor of reviving the caliphate, a multi-ethnic transnational empire with Sharia and the bonds of faith as the basis of government.http://www.newageislam.com/islam-and-politics/madawi-al-rasheed/saudi-wahhabi-leaders-see-turkish-threat-over-caliphate/d/76797

How Obama engineered the radicalization of the Middle East, setting the stage for Islamic Caliphate

“For I have traveled 3 continents before coming to the region where it was first revealed. “That experience guides my convictions”. Barack Obama. https://www.facebook.com/211539975533886/photos/pb.211539975533886.-2207520000.1402616880./649416245079588/?type=3&theater

HILLARY CLINTON and the Istanbul Process

Will “Istanbul Process” replace “Washington Consensus”???

Caliphate, Erdogen, Istanbul, Silk Road, and Marmaray project all banned words, topis in U.S. media talking points. STUDY IT OUT!!

This is the Babylon they are creating to control all commerce out of Istanbul.  Hillary’s “Istanbul Process”  will replace Washington Consensus as no established religion can co-exist under U.S. Constitution.  With Erdogen recent presidential win Syria is saying next step is Sultan.  Will EU allow Turkey membership?

Was TURKEY a play during BENGHAZI?

Erdogan was the first person that Obama called after winning the election in 2008


Benghazi: The Set-Up and the Cover-Up

By 20 Year CIA agent Clare M. Lopez  The multilateral U.S.-Libya-Turkey agreement to get weapons into the hands of Syrian rebels – which were known to be dominated by Al-Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood elements — by working with and through Al-Qaeda-linked jihadist figures like Belhadj, seemed confirmed by the appearance of a Libyan-flagged vessel, Al-Entisar, which docked at the Turkish port of Iskanderun on September 6, 2012. Report

Suspected of carrying weapons bound for the Syrian rebels, the ship’s cargo reportedly included Russian-designed, shoulder-launched missiles known as MANPADS, RPGs and surface-to-air missiles—all of them just the sort of weapons available in Libya.


8/10/2014 Turkish PM Erdogan wins presidential election and immediately meets with Saudi Arabia King  Abdullah meets Saudi king in Riyadh  Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan arrived in Saudi Arabia on various bi-lateral issues., Anatolia News Agency reported.

Hillary calls Islam a “Great Religion”

Following the deaths of 4 Americans in Benghazi and despite knowing the truth about who was involved, Hillary gets up sells a lie to the world.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUdXN-Wb2sY

Wahhabism…from “Surrendering Islam”

“These Masonic leaders seemed, then, to have embarked on a plan to subvert Islam from within, and to distort the Islamic world and render it predisposed to a confrontation with the West. Key to this strategy was the creation of the Salafi movement, which was an outgrowth of the emergence of the Egyptian Freemasonry of Cagliostro, which today is closely aligned to the Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia.

According to their devious strategy of “divide and conquer”, the British deliberately created the Wahhabi movement in order to upset the Ottoman Empire. At the height of its power, between the sixteenth and seventh century, the Ottoman Empire spanned three continents, controlling much of Southeastern Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. It stretched from the Strait of Gibraltar in the west to the Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf in the east, and from the edge of Austria, Hungary and parts of Ukraine in the north to Sudan, Eritrea, Somalia and Yemen in the south.

However, at the same time, the British were beginning to encroach upon former Muslim territories, in particular, making significant inroads into India. Nevertheless, they continued to have designs on the various parts of the Ottoman Empire, and worked to aid in its collapse by fomenting rebellion from within.The brunt of their strategy was focused on the creation of the Wahhabi sect of Saudi Arabia.”http://surrenderingislam.com/surrendering-islam/wahhabism

Queen Elizabeth II listening to a recitation of the Quran


Why would the Wahhabi Saudi Arabia kingdom destroy the sacred sites of the Prophet Mohammed’s family?

Research what the Wahhabis believe regarding  Allah http://jafrianews.com/2014/02/23/saudi-wahabi-monarchy-destroying-islams-sacred-sites-holy-prophets-birth-place/


Those ignorant of History are destined to repeat it

Is there a pattern in history?  Thomas Jefferson stated: “History by apprising them of the past will enable them to judge of the future”.  Revisionists have flooded internet with disinformation on study “The Relative Influence of European Writers on Late Eighteen-Century American Political Thought”  conducted in 1984 by political scientists Donald Lutz and and Charles Hyneman.   Their study was published 1984 in “The American Political Science Review p. 84.  The 10 year study concluded at least 34% of Founding Era quotes came directly from bible.

  • How would Thomas Jefferson’s quote parallel with Ecclesiastes 3:15  What is happening now has happened before, and what will happen in the future has happened before, because God makes the same things happen over and over again or Ecclesiastes 1:9: History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new.   James Madison (Father Of The Constitution) wrote:  Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.”

TJ History Nissi

History by apprising them [students] of the past will enable them to judge of the future; it will avail them of the experience of other times and other nations; it will qualify them as judges of the actions and designs of men; it will enable them to know ambition under every disguise it may assume; and knowing it, to defeat its views.
Read more at http://quotes.dictionary.com/History_by_apprising_them_students_of_the_past#cuYm5rzphQ82HpkY.99
History by apprising them [students] of the past will enable them to judge of the future; it will avail them of the experience of other times and other nations; it will qualify them as judges of the actions and designs of men; it will enable them to know ambition under every disguise it may assume; and knowing it, to defeat its views.
Read more at http://quotes.dictionary.com/History_by_apprising_them_students_of_the_past#cuYm5rzphQ82HpkY.99