Was Governor Haslam really upset at Illegal children dumped off in the middle of the night?  Or could it have been planned like everyone else?

With the recent orchestrated “escorted” influx of illegal children from South America where is America headed?  Do we stand up for “OUR” children’s future or do we fall for Saul Alinsky’s 4th Rule?

With reports nationwide of many diseases including lice scabies and TB this raises concerned for children when they return back to school.

Federal and  Soros funded CCHD to launder money into state contractors for distribution of  illegal children in Tennessee.

Tennessee constitution prevents “Monopolies” from operating if enforced:

§ 22. Perpetuities and monopolies That perpetuities and monopolies are contrary to the genius of a free State, and shall not be allowed.


Refugee Resettlement Watch Report:

Refugee resettlement contractors say don’t give their money to the children. They want the money for their businesses! These contractors are paid to bring refugees to Tennessee.

This year Congress increased funding for refugee resettlement contractor business to $1.489 billion, an increase from last year’s $1.12 billion but still short the additional $1.6 billion that refugee contractors demanded.

Federal refugee contractors like the TN Office for Refugees (TOR) operating in Tennessee, are complaining that the U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) may use some of the contractors’ money to help the children crossing the border. TOR says that if their money is reduced they won’t be able to help the refugees they have brought to Tennessee. To date, there has been no suggestion by TOR that they would reduce the number of people they plan to bring to the State.

The federal contractors have been directed by their leadership to lobby Congress for more money, which in part is why Pres. Obama’s original request of $2 billion in emergency spending for the border is now $3.7 billion. If Congress approves this request, the illegals will get to stay and TOR will get all its money. Why shouldn’t the contractors get to save their cake and eat it too? Report here:

Refugee contractors have an organized campaign to get more tax dollars due to border invasion and this time it is Tennessee

Holly Johnson, Catholic Charities of Tennessee, decides which ethnic groups and how many refugees will come to the state. The state has no say in the matter
Holly Johnson, Catholic Charities of Tennessee, decides which ethnic groups and how many refugees will come to the state. The state has no say in the matter



The CCHD and Saul Alinsky

The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) is a Washington, D.C.-based, anti-poverty foundation, founded by the Catholic bishops of the United States in 1969. Replenished annually by a November collection in Catholic parishes, the $15 million foundation gives grants to a wide-range community organizing groups, including those associated with Industrial Areas Foundation, ACORN and other community organizing networks, as well as independent organizing efforts. In addition, CCHD funds worker and community owned development projects.

Generally, these efforts are not affiliated with the Catholic Church. CCHD is one of the largest, if not the single largest, funders of Alinsky-tradition community organizing in the United States. Its origins are in the Catholic Committee for Urban Ministry (CCUM), a 1960s group that brought together clergy, women religious and lay leaders working in our nation’s cities for racial and economic justice

Investigation into Catholic Campaign for Human Development unorthodox scandals of concerning U.S. Conference for Catholic Bishops specifically “Bishops Subcommittee on the Catholic Campaign for Human Development”.

CCHD and how the Catholic Church was infiltrated by Alinsky followers. This video by Michael Voris of RealCatholicTV titled “The CCHD and Saul Alinsky” explains a lot. It explains how the Church was infiltrated by Alinsky followers and why Chicago is a source of so much heterodoxy. There’s even a tie in with Father Frank Pavone’s situation. You see Bishop Zurek’s mentor, Bishop John McCarthy of Austin, was one of the founders of CCHD. (See the article below that mentions Fr. John McCarthy as an assistant to Msgr. George Higgins — a rather famous labor activist at the time. Sure, it’s OK for Catholic priests to be pro-labor activists, but not pro-Life activists.)

Catholic Parishioners demanded investigation into radical actions within Catholic Church.  Great investigation.  Exposes Saul Alinsky’s style organizations to distort churches (IAF) Industrial Area Foundation and Gamaliel Foundation.


Apostate Catholic organization funded by George Soros carry out his “Open Borders” goals.

Alinsky’s “community organizers” are nothing but a front for his socialist agenda.  CCHD was founded specifically to funnel Catholic Church funds into the network of “community organizations” founded by Alinsky.

Note also that the “community organizer” Barack Obama got his start in Chicago working with some of Alinsky’s disciples and reportedly received funds from CCHD. http://publicvigil.blogspot.com/2011/10/cchd-and-how-catholic-church-was.html


He was RECRUITED by Marty Kaufman, which is a pseudonym for Jerry Kellman. Obama writes about him
at length throughout the memoir’s 160-page section on his experience organizing in Chicago. Kellman has a signed copy. It reads “To Jerry, a friend and a mentor.  The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ “Campaign for Human Development” paid a young Barack Obama’s airfare to a training program on community organizing given by the Industrial Areas Foundation, an organization founded by leftist radical Saul Alinsky, according a book, No Higher Power, written by conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly and journalist George Neumayr, which  reports that “In the 1980s, the Catholic archdiocese of Chicago contributed to the training of Obama in the very Alinskyite radicalism that would culminate in such anti-religious measures as the HHS mandate,” according to an article on the book published by the Blaze.

CCHD and how the Catholic Church was infiltrated by Alinsky followers

“When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” John 8:44 http://publicvigil.blogspot.com/2011/10/cchd-and-how-catholic-church-was.html

“Separation of church and State? What separation of church and state!! Obama’s stimulus pours millions into faith-based groups http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1210/45897.html

Washington 2013  A newly released report highlights the ongoing threats to the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, the U.S. church’s premier anti-poverty initiative, from conservative groups and prelates who object to giving money to organizations not in full compliance with church teaching.

Saul Alinsky Goes to Church…  Hillary and Alinsky met at a Methodist Church picnic  in Chicago.

The origins of community organizing are generally traced to the pioneering work of Saul Alinsky, who built the first community organizing effort in Chicago’s Back of the Yards neighborhood in the 1930s. Alinsky created the early community-based efforts by organizing existing groups into collective action around particular issues.  Investigation is limited to scope of IAF Industrial Area Foundation.  Same Marxist style training is Gamaliel Foundation which Obama worked and trained.  

II. Reasons for selecting the Industrial Areas Foundation for this Commentary:


1. The IAF receives the largest percentage of CHD grants of any CHD grantee. During the funding period of 1992-1997, CHD has awarded significant grants to the IAF. The IAF has received approximately 15% of the national CHD annual budget between 1992-1997.1 This represents approximately $6,466,500 during this funding period.


2. The CHD is historically related to the IAF. The consistently high proportion of CHD grants to the IAF is in itself a reason to study IAF activities. The IAF’s historical relationship to the CHD is another: “There was no formal link between the Campaign for Human Development and the Industrial Areas Foundation [at the CHD’s inception]; but the philosophy behind the newly established CHD had been influenced by key Catholic leaders who in turn had been influenced by Alinsky and the IAF. In fact, funding from the CHD over the years has often gone to broad based community organizations established with the support of the IAF.2 During his visit to Britain in 1990, Rev. Al LoPinto, then director of the Campaign for Human Development, explained that the Campaign had no formal commitment to the IAF and broad based community organizing; however, they found the approach to be effective and the IAF organizers to be very professional.”3

III. Founding of the Industrial Areas Foundation:

 1. The IAF was founded by organizer Saul Alinsky.4 Saul Alinsky wrote two books outlining his organizational principles and strategies: Reveille for Radicals (1946) and Rules for Radicals (1971).5



Bil Clinton, who famously stated he didn’t inhale, is advocating all states try legalization of marijuana.  How will Global Elite benefit from legalized marijuana?    Several ways specifically if Clinton reference to “laboratories of democracy” by way of Monsanto.


Clinton’s ties with Monsanto go back to earlier years in Arkansas and Rose Law Firm.

GMO Marijuana maximum returns for global elite and Monsanto.
GMO Marijuana maximum returns for global elite and Monsanto.

 Bil Clinton, who famously stated he didn’t inhale, is advocating all states try legalization of marijuana.  How will Global Elite benefit from legalized marijuana?   Several ways specifically if marijuana is GMO through Monsanto.


‘This really is a time when there should be laboratories of democracy,’ former president says!  There is see link  Laboratories?   

GMO Marijuana linked to several deaths.
GMO Marijuana linked to several deaths.

  Bill and Hillary’s hidden agenda and ties with Monsanto.  Hillary’s connection to Monsanto go back to Rose Law Firm in Arkansas. The amazing thing is the organic kick crowd consist mostly of liberals.

Monsanto and the World’s “Hijacked Future” a bi-partisan effort.  To control the worlds food supply would be “Total” control.

Seeds Of Destruction
By F. William Engdahl  leading researcher, economist  and researcher of New World Order.

 In this video in January 1996 with Barbara Walters Hillary is poised and response as if the questions were researched.  Hillary and Bill as usual both denying everything.

1996  WASHINGTON — A federal bank examiner suggested in congressional testimony yesterday that Hillary Rodham Clinton ought to have known that a 1985 land deal arranged by an Arkansas thrift she represented was structured in a way that violated state law. http://articles.baltimoresun.com/1996-01-31/news/1996031014_1_castle-grande-madison-land-deal

The examiner, James T. Clark, told the Senate Whitewater Committee he found no evidence during his 1986 review of the thrift, Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan, that then-Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton or his wife had been personally involved in a series of fraudulent transactions known as Castle Grande.

Investigation of 104th Congress “Final Report”  Special Committee to investigate White Water Development Corporation “And Relation Matters”.


Going Backwards 2000
Clinton Administration Appoints A Former Monsanto Corp. Lobbyist To Represent US Consumers On Genetically Engineered Food Issues

Open Letter to Hillary Clinton From a Wellesley College Alumna

The lecture is based on Engdahls book “Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation” which is an eye-opener, a must-read for all those committed to the causes of social justice and World peace.  F. William Engdahl is an American German freelance journalist, historian and economic researcher. “Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation” This lecture at the Open Mind Conference 2013, focuses on how a small socio-political American elite seeks to establish its control over the very basis of human survival, the provision of our daily bread. Control the food and you control the people. This is no ordinary lecture about the perils of GMO. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4qA0Ue_sI4

Who was James McDougal, and his tie to Hillary? The activities of McDougal as they may have involved Bill or Hillary Clinton are related to Whitewater Development Corporation, Inc. (WWD) James and Susan McDougal and Bill and Hillary Clinton were partners in WWD. . . [Pages of the referral] discuss the check kiting activity involving the WWD account at MGSL.(278) According to the teletype, Mr. Banks had informed the FBI that he intended to research the referral and analyze the 300 documentary exhibits submitted by the RTC.(279)

On October 8, 1992, officials from FBI Headquarters and Main Justice met to discuss Crminal Referral C0004.(280) Present at the meeting were Mr. Raphaelson; Robert Mueller, Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division; (281) Fred Verinder, Deputy Assistant Director, Criminal Division, at FBI Headquarters;(282) Mr. Kendrick; and Thomas Kubic, Section Chief, Banking Crimes Unit. Mr. Mueller indicated that even though the referral on its face did not contain enough information for the Justice Department to render an opinion, the FBI should investigate the matter to determine whether the case had merit.(283) As a result of the meeting, FBI Headquarters instructed its Little Rock Field Office to conduct a limited investigation into the matters described in the Criminal Referral C0004 and specifically directed the office to review the exhibits.(284)

Although Mr. Bank assured the FBI that he would review the 300 exhibits, neither he nor Mr. Dodson ever reviewed them.(285) On October 16, 1992, Mr. Banks wrote to Donald Pettus, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI Little Rock Field Office, to inform him that the U.S. Attorney’s Office would not participate in any investigation regarding Criminal Referral C0004 until after the 1992 presidential election.(286) Mr. Banks indicated that he believed no prosecutable case existed against any of the witnesses, and that “the only allegations having any credibility are against the McDougals and Anspaugh.” (287)

On the same day, the FBI Little Rock Field Office also notified Mr. Kendrick at FBI Headquarters by teletype that the limited data “may indicate criminal activity on the part of the captioned subjects, James and Susan McDougal, and Lisa Anspaugh. However, USA is holding opinion of prosecutive opinion regarding these subjects in abeyance.”(288)http://whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/POLITICS/WW/white11.html

Delta & Pine Land ties to Monsanto Mark Penn, CEO for Burson-Marsteller, one of the world’s large PR firms representing Monsanto ran Hillary’s 2008 campaign. Michael Taylor is a Monsanto lawyer Bill Clinton once put in charge of the FDA where he approved Monsanto’s rBGH. Hillary was back, and Obama was putting Taylor on his transition team.  The Curious History of Delta & Pine Land


Relations between Monsanto, Delta & Pine Land and the USDA, on closer scrutiny, show the deep and dark side of the much-heralded genetic revolution in agriculture. It proves deep-held suspicions that the Gene Revolution is not about ‘solving the world hunger problem’ as its advocates claim. It’s about handing over control of the seeds for mankind’s basic food supply—rice, corn, soybeans, wheat, even fruit, vegetables and cotton—to privately owned corporations. Once the seeds and their use are patented and controlled by one or several private agribusiness multinationals, it will be they who can decide whether or not a particular customer—let’s say for argument, China or Brazil or India or Japan—whether they will or won’t get the patented seeds from Monsanto, or from one of its licensee GMO partners like Bayer Crop Sciences, Syngenta or DuPont’s Pioneer Hi-Bred International. http://www.globalresearch.ca/monsanto-buys-terminator-seeds-company/3082

Did Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr take the fall for Hillary after Hillary was named 50 times in indictment?  Was Bill Clinton’s impeachment a diversion away from Hillary’s indictments?  2007 bi-partisan effort. But why is there a cotton shortage?   Monsanto announced on Wednesday that it was undertaking several initiatives in 2007 to help cotton producers manage risks, ensure fair access to new technology and boost the long-term sustainability of U.S. cotton production.

GMO is bi-partisan agenda.
GMO is bi-partisan agenda.

It’s a Monsanto Governmenthttp://dissidentvoice.org/2012/06/its-a-monsanto-government/

How the 1% global elite manipulate the system to legalize drugs using GMO’s regardless of deaths.to accept legalization of marijuana for maximum gains  GMO

Is GMO marijuana safe?  Recent deaths associated with GMO marijuana.

George Soros conveniently named “Daddy War Bucks” for legalized drugs.

Billionaire George Soros behind major push for marijuana legalization

Maybe global investors want a break on K-Street and need the tax revenue.  Their contributions to NGO tax havens supporting global sustainable growth far exceed income tax.

Arkansas documentary from judges and FBI on Bill Clinton among many things cocaine use as Gov. of Arkansas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7s_xEoeufs   Did he inhale?

Documentary – Bill Clinton’s Rise to Power

In Arkansas documentary Judges, FBI, paralegal and Concerned Citizens of Government describe Bill Clinton  as Moocher, KGB Moscow,  Draft Dodger,  Anti-American Protestor, Anti-Military protests at University of Arkansas, Cocaine Trafficker/User. Brother Rodger during booking for cocaine trafficking stated: “Got  to get some for my brother, He has a nose like a vacuum cleaner”.  Roger Clinton


Saul Alinsky “….he who fears corruption fears life”.  Hillary was nicknamed “Alinsky’s daughter”.

Bill Clinton as the most corrupt president in history. He and Hillary were involved in quite a few scandals during his reign. Two of the scandals they share are Whitewater and the Vincent Foster death.

The Clintons were partners in several business ventures with Webster Hubbell (who became President Bill‘s Assistant Attorney General) and James and Susan MacDougal. Two of these ventures were the intertwined Whitewater Development Corporation and Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan. Courts later convicted the MacDougals and Hubbell of fraud and conspiracy in the Whitewater scandal. The Clintons were not indicted, though Hubbell’s indictment referenced Hillary as his “1985-1986 billing partner” in the Rose Law Firm. Hillary was the Rose attorney in charge of Madison‘s legal matters.

When told that a questionable Madison loan violated Federal and Arkansas State regulations, Hillary said (according to testimony), “You [Madison bank officer] take care of the savings and loan matters and I’ll take care of the legal matters.” The U.S. Senate counsel investigating Whitewater stated at the time that “Mrs. Clinton…order[ed] the [Madison] records to be destroyed” while “there was a Federal investigation [into Madison’s loan activities] underway….” At the very least, Hillary and Bill seem to have gotten away with breaking the law in the Whitewater scandal, while business partners less well-connected went to prison. The Clintons saved themselves by selling out their friends. http://www.opednews.com/articles/genera_farrell__070707_july_4_2c_2007_politic.htm


Millions in drug money through Arkansas and Florida.

Clinton Chronicles full Movie (Documentary) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7s_xEoeufs



The White Horseman: Religious Deception NOW IN COMMON CORE AS "Love"

Beware the deception in church. Ecumenism is One World Religion
Beware the deception in church. Ecumenism is One World Religion

Is the world being brainwashed in every aspect of our lives away from truth?

COMMON CORE is the renewal of what John Dunphy wrote in his article, “A Religion for a New Age”:
“The Bible is not merely another book … it has and remains an incredibly dangerous book. … I am convinced that the battle for humankind’s future must be waged and won in the public classroom by teachers who correctly perceive their role as the proselytizers of a new faith. … The classroom must and will become an arena of conflict between the old and the new – the rotting corpse of Christianity, together with all its adjacent evils and misery, and the new faith of humanism, resplendent in its promise of a world in which the never-realized Christian ideal of love thy neighbor will finally be achieved.” Read more at http://sonsoflibertymedia.com/2014/08/back-school-teaching-public-schools-joke/#3c4UemdlrMyteoBp.99

Will the deception behind , “ECUMENICAL MOVEMENT” come as “Love”.

Anti-Christ Cancerous Consciousness & Babylonian World Empire

Is the world being brainwashed by psychological warfare using media, entertainment industry and symbols?  Will “the” Anti-Christ” one world ruler come as love rather than hate?   Video Link

The "Woman" riding the beast is a "unified" movement against "The Creator" similar to "Tower of Babel".

5And the Lord came down, to see the city and tower which the sons of men built.  6  And The Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they all have one language, and this they begin to do, neither can they now be stopped from whatsoever they have imagined to do. Genesis 11:5,6  GNV

Has UNESCO been used as vehicle for our children?

It is “Lucifer”/Satan which gives “power” to the beast. Solomon and King of Tyre “Hiram had their system going on back in the day. Solomon had his “Star of Remphan” the ring controlling the underworld he’d learned from pharaohs daughter and his many pagan wives. Solomon even taxed Israel 666 talents of gold to build the temple.

The Lucis Trust, Satanism and the New World Orderhttp://vaticproject.blogspot.com/2013/09/the-lucis-trust-satanism-and-new-world.html

Falling Away or Illusion?
Falling Away or Illusion?

Heresy Rising: Christian Pastors Embracing New Age Syncretism

The New Age movement is synergistic, blending various religions, relying on various gods, and crediting the “universe” with power it doesn’t have. Chrislam, as its name suggests, is also synergistic, blending elements of Christianity and Islam.  Muslims use Chrislam theology as a way into Christian pulpits, essentially opening the door to false worship.

Don’t be fooled. Just because something has Christian elements doesn’t make it Christian. In his letter to the church at Philippi, Paul points to “enemies of the cross” (Phil. 3:18). Islam is not a friend of the cross. Buddha was not a friend of the cross. Leaders of false religions are not friends of the cross. And we cannot reconcile the enemies of the cross to the Christ who hung upon a tree to pay the price for their sin if we compromise the gospel and essentially worship their god. http://www.charismanews.com/opinion/watchman-on-the-wall/44538-heresy-rising-christian-pastors-embracing-new-age-syncretism

How does God feel about syncretism? “For you shall worship no other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God” (Ex. 34:14). God Jesus said, “If you love Me keep My commandments (John 14:15). Jesus said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself” (Luke 10:27). Jesus said, “He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad” (Matt. 12:30).

Is it possible to fight “Holy War” without “faith” in something bigger than ourselves???

Is there “Proofs of a Conspiracy”??

Do you “Know Your Enemy” and what the “Master Plan” is for humanity? Ever heard of The White Horseman from Revelation? Many think they do but the truth is that there are many layers of deception to peel open. This article is meant to be a tool to encourage personal research so that you can draw your own conclusions with what is discovered. A key thing to understand is that Satan is and HAS been the driving force behind this deception.  He has been using individuals including the Rothschilds  plus many organizations, to bring his “kingdom” to pass since “the fall”. They use certain symbols to signify their intentions, believing that it gives them power on earth over the goym: a name given to those of us considered not intelligent enough to have the “knowledge” they possess and which is only accessible to those who are willing to submit to their levels of secrecy in certain organizations. But God is NOT the author of confusion: Satan is.  One of the prophecies  the bible warned against was the False Prophet and deception in the church promoted by false preachers. They will lead the sheep into the false doctrine by promoting the One World Religion under the guise of ecumenism and interfaith religion. Beware the United Nations and any church organization with ties to it, for it is believed by many that this is where the root has taken place.


But the beast was taken, and with him that false Prophet that wrought miracles before him, whereby he deceived them that received the beast’s mark, and them that worshipped his image. These both were alive cast into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.Revelation 19:20 1599 Geneva Bible

Sin is the Secret Weapon of the Cabalists. Have you wondered why there is such a proliferation of LGBT “rights” and acceptance recently? Are you aware of the influence that the Rothschilds, one of the 13 Illuminati Bloodline families, had in establishing the state of Israel including donating millions to build the Israel Supreme Court building and the Knesset, the equivalent of our Capitol building?

Cultural Hegemony, aka Cultural Marxism, has been a key weapon in destroying the culture of America.  Look around at what is happening in America. Our culture has systematically been removed and replaced with immorality…by design. CULTURAL HEGEMONY, designed by Communist Antonio Gramsci and implemented by the left. Look at their success.
Both communism and the New Left are alive and thriving here in America. They favor code words: tolerance, social justice, economic justice, peace, reproductive rights, sex education and safe sex, safe schools, inclusion, diversity, and sensitivity. All together, this is Cultural Marxism disguised as multiculturalism.

Here are some interesting links and videos that you may want to research.

The Islamic Connection to ROME.  Dr. Walter Veith uses facts to prove the historical connection of Islam to the Roman Catholic Church and how the “Elite” even back then, were using their positions to wage war on Christianity. Be prepared to have your cognitive dissonance challenged.

KNOW YOUR ENEMY is a compilation of research by The Fuel Project that is broken up into over 70 videos with everything you want to know. They’ve done extensive research and put the information right there for you to watch and look for yourselves. I’d start with #2 and work your way up.  The only misinformation so far is misinformation on John Locke and Founding Father’s in couple videos.  George Soros teaching in London School of Economics “Enlightenment Period” was a fallacy.  John Locke who influenced Thomas Jefferson most in writing of Declaration of Independence is considered “The Father of The Enlightenment Period”.

John Locke’s parents persecuted for religious faith as ‘puritans” fled to Holland.   Locke was strong voice and advocate against deist and humanist philosophers during Enlightenment Period.

Evangelical Manifesto? The Marxists are IN THE CHURCH!

Gamaliel Foundation Marxist trained evangelicals are saying WE should apologize to terrorists
Gamaliel Foundation Marxist trained evangelicals are saying WE should apologize to terrorists


A Christian ethicist says US should apologize for torturing terror suspects. The author of “EVANGELICAL MANIFESTO” who was trained in the Saul Alinsky Gamaliel Foundation, breeding ground of Marxists undergoing community organizing training in order to infiltrate churches, says US should apologize for torturing terror suspects.

“Satan is the accuser of the brethren” 1 Timothy 13

Evangelical “Manifesto” is code for Marxist. Who would ever put a word so associated with Communism in the same sentence as religion? A community organizer trained by Saul Alinsky, the infamous mentor of Obama and Hillary who dedicated his book “Rules for Radicals” to Lucifer. That is who…

“America should apologize for torturing terrorist suspects held after Sept. 11, 2001, in the Middle East, Guantanamo Bay and dozens of other countries, a Christian ethicist and activist told an audience in Raleigh, North Carolina, this week. David Gushee, a professor at Mercer University in Georgia, spoke Tuesday night at Pullen Memorial Baptist Church. His speech, “Coming to Terms with Torture: Truth, Accountability, and Renunciation,” focused on a 6,400-page report he helped produce and was released last year by a panel formed by the Constitution Project, (funded by George Soros’ Open Society Institute)documenting the treatment of detainees. He also addressed the report by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence that was partially released in April.”

Evangelical Manifesto

THIS IS DAVID GUSHEE…Evangelical Manifesto? How Marxist can you get?? Wake UP?? The serpent is in the church! He is a member of The New Evangelical Partnership of the Common Good. Look at their website…and at their “Creation Care Initiative.”  They are promoting the United Nations GAIA religion, i.e. climate change…etc. Gaia=mother earth=Luciferian doctrine of the One World Religion. Connect the dots and research this for yourselves. Pushing out Jesus and “The Creator” putting in the Agenda 21 Plan of the UN.

The New Group of World Servers  http://www.lucistrust.org/en/service_activities/world_goodwill/key_concepts/the_new_group_of_world_servers__1

87th Congressional debate September 4, 1962  by Honorable James B. Utt of California on Paul Harvey’s article “UNESCO Communism’s Trap for our Children”.



Blowup in Beirut: U.S. Marines Peacekeeping Mission Turns Deadly

241 Dead marines at the hands of terrorists
241 Dead marines at the hands of terrorists

“A terrorist truck bomb carrying explosives wrapped around gas cylinders detonated inside the BLT barracks, killing 241 people and injuring more than 100 while they slept. Investigators from the FBI would later determine that it was the largest nonnuclear blast they had ever studied.   For the U.S. Marines, it was the largest loss of life in a single action since Vietnam; for the nation, it was the worst act of terrorism against Americans up to that time. In hindsight, it was a harbinger of what was to come.”

Everyone “Knows”
The one lesson everyone “knows” from World War II is that appeasement doesn’t work. The people who “know” this might not be able to locate the Sudetenland however ignorance is not a barrier to conviction.  Link   professor at the USAF Air War College in Montgomery, Alabama on the subject. He makes it clear that Britain’s implementation of Appeasement was terrible,


Navy Petty Officer Diver Robert Stetham passenger on TWA commercial Flight 847 murdered while on leave just because he was in Navy Uniform

Navy Petty Officer diver Robert Dean Stethem was killed on commercial TWA flight because he was in uniform
Navy Petty Officer diver Robert Dean Stethem was killed on commercial TWA flight because he was in uniform

No Sympathy for Hijackers, Conwell Says

July 05, 1985|J. MICHAEL KENNEDY | Times Staff Writer  HOUSTON — Allyn B. Conwell, the Texas oil executive who was thrust into the public spotlight as spokesman for the 39 hostages held for 16 days in the Mideast, said Thursday that the hijackers of TWA Flight 847 should be hunted down and punished and that he has no sympathy for them.

He also said that he voluntarily removed himself from the role of spokesman as the hostages were being brought back to the United States from West Germany, primarily because he felt that the Reagan Administration no longer wanted him to speak for the group.
They singled out Navy diver Stetham and murdered him because he was in uniform. He was only 23 years old…

Col. Higgins Was Hanged, Shiites Say; Bush Outraged : Another Hostage Threatened

Col. Higgins was hanged by terrorists
Col. Higgins was hanged by terrorists

BEIRUT — Pro-Iranian Shiite Muslim extremists said they hanged Marine Lt. Col. William R. Higgins today in retaliation for the Israeli abduction of a Hezbollah spiritual leader, and the group holding another American hostage threatened to kill him.

The Organization of the Oppressed on Earth, an offshoot of the pro-Iranian Hezbollah or Party of God, released a videotape of a man who appeared to be Higgins hanging from a gallows and said they had killed him today.


9. I strongly condemn the abduction and continuing detention of Lt. Col. Higgins. This incident occurred while he was carrying out functions assigned to him in order to assist UNIFIL t
o carry out the mandate given to it by the Security Council. That mandate has the full support of the Lebanese authorities and of the local population in southern Lebanon. I am greatly concerned about the possible implications such unwarranted attacks on members of the Force could have for its effectiveness. UNIFIL, if it is to continue its efforts to restore peace in southern Lebanon, must enjoy the full confidence and support of the local population and must receive co-operation from all the governments and armed groups active there

Hezbollah Rejects U.N. Call to Free American Hostage

August 01, 1988

BEIRUT — A pro-Iranian extremist group Sunday rejected a U.N. Security Council appeal for the release of American hostage Lt. Col. William R. Higgins, insisting that he was a U.S. spy working under U.N. cover.

“We reject this resolution. We consider it part of a plot against the Muslims and moujahedeen (holy warriors) of this area,” said Abbas Mousawi, a senior leader of Hezbollah, or Party of God.

Obama, Donors Block Relief for Families of Beirut Bombing Victims

“A high-powered Wall St. CEO and early, influential Obama supporter, Donald F. Donahue of the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), may be using his significant clout on behalf of the Obama administration and a questionable Iranian-linked strategic partner to stand in the way of American military families trying to recover billions of dollars to which they are legally entitled after being victimized by the infamous 1983 Iranian-sponsored bombing of a U.S. Marine Corp barracks in Beirut.”


Gamaliel Foundation, where Marxists are trained to infiltrate churches to order destroy them
Gamaliel Foundation, where Marxists are trained to infiltrate churches to order destroy them

Excerpts of  Saul Alinsky quotes which David Gushee would have received in Gamaliel Community Organizer Training.

On page 71, speaking of his training program for political organizers, Alinsky remarked: “The qualities we were trying to develop in organizers in the years of attempting to train them included some qualities that in all probability cannot be taught. They either had them, or could get them only through a miracle from above or below.”

These are excerpts by Saul Alinsky on training David Gushee, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Mikey Weinstein any organizer associated with (IAF) Industrial Area Foundation or Gamaliel Foundation receive.

Remember, Alinsky He dedicated their bible “Rules for Radicals” to LUCIFER

Alinsky dedicated his book "Rules for Radicals" to Lucifer. It is considered the bible of the radical left.
Alinsky dedicated his book “Rules for Radicals” to Lucifer. It is considered the bible of the radical left.

On page 71, speaking of his training program for political organizers, Alinsky remarked: “The qualities we were trying to develop in organizers in the years of attempting to train them included some qualities that in all probability cannot be taught. They either had them, or could get them only through a miracle from above or below.”

“A Marxist begins with his prime truth that all evils are caused by the exploitation of the proletariat by the capitalists. From this he logically proceeds to the revolution to end capitalism, then into the third stage of reorganization into a new social order of the dictatorship of the proletariat, and finally the last stage — the political paradise of communism.”

“An Organizer working in and for an “Open Society” is an ideological dilemma to begin with, he does NOT have a “Fixed” truth, everything to him is relative and changing. To the extent that he is free from the shackles of dogma (accountability).  He can respond to the realities of the widely different situationist”  Rules For Radicals

To this day, most Americans do not fully understand what they are up against, and it may be too late for them to open their eyes to see their executioner clearly.

 Selected Alinksy quotes paint the picture:

” . . . the primary assault would be on Biblical absolutes and Christian values.”

“Yesterday’s immoral terrorist is today’s moral and dignified statesman.”

“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.”

“One acts decisively only in the conviction that all the angels are on one side and all the devils on the other.”

“In a fight almost anything goes. It almost reaches the point where you stop to apologize if a chance blow lands above the belt.”

Read all of Alinsky’s poison in his 1971 book “Rules for Radicals,” which he dedicated to Lucifer. (Not kidding.)

He was a prophet of revolution, preaching any means are justified in the war against capitalism, the only moral value is victory.

He encouraged his followers to pose as middle class traditionalists, urging them to infiltrate, grab power, and attack.  For Alinsky, those standing in his way were the enemy, and as with all enemies, they had to be destroyed.

So now you understand what has been happening since January 20, 2009.

Alinsky nurtured a special hatred for Christians 

“Meet the genius sociopath godfather of the contemporary radicalized American Left, i.e., the modern-day Democrat Party, Saul Alinksy, patron saint of the Obama machine.  Think of it: the most influential men in Obama’s life—Saul Alinsky, Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, and Franklin Davis Marshall—all pervert revolutionaries, all America haters, all communists.

To this day, most Americans do not fully understand what they are up against, and it may be too late for them to open their eyes to see their executioner clearly.”

Another Gamaliel Community Organizer who is over Pentagon Religious Freedom policy is a CONFESSED ATHEIST.  “Freedom of Religion or “Freedom from Religion“.

If we created a “Religious Vacuum” eliminating God….Evil will fill that vacuum!!  Proven Modern Warfare Strategy.

Mikey Weinstein a retired Air Force JAG Cum Laude of Gamaliel Foundation refers to Christians as “monsters” while supporting jihadistsWeinstein was appointed over Pentagon Religious Freedoms.  His attacks against  military religious freedoms has been unprecedented in history of our country. 2008 International Leadership Assembly in Washington, D.C. He does NOT advocate military religious freedom…more like freedom FROM Christianity…

Fundamentalist Christian Monsters: Papa’s (MIKEY FEINSTEIN) Got A Brand New Bag


“Ladies and Gentlemen, let me tell you of monsters and monstrous wrongs. And let me tell you what these bloody monsters thrive on.

I founded the civil rights fighting organization the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) to do one thing: fight those monsters who would tear down the Constitutionally-mandated wall separating church and state in the technologically most lethal entity ever created by humankind, the U.S. military.”  WEINSTEIN NEEDS TO READ THE LETTERS BETWEEN THE DANBURY BAPTISTS AND THOMAS JEFFERSON, WHICH HAS BEEN DELIBERATELY MISUSED AND TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT BY JUDGES TO REVISE HISTORY AND DISTORT THE TRUTH ABOUT RELIGIOUS FREEDOM IN AMERICA. THERE IS NO SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE ANYWHERE IN THE CONSTITUTION.

Christians Silenced By ‘Separation of Church and State’ Lie

People have demanded God doesn’t have a place in schools, in municipal buildings, even in stores.Why? Because nobody has stopped to inspect the U.S. Constitution. The world keeps saying they’re right because of this, non-existent piece of legislation and Christians appear to be too scared to face them. So, for the past however many years, Christianity has been hogtied. It’s as if our children are now in danger of suspension if they add the Name of the Most High God into a written paper, while if an unbelieving student goes around taking that same Name in vain, it’s considered art!”

Obama Organizes Army of Community Organizers to Ensure His Reelection

One of Barack Obama’s first big “community organizer” jobs involved ACORN in 1992. He worked along side ACORN before he became an elected official. Obama also trained ACORN employees. He represented ACORN in court. Obama worked with and protested with ACORN. His campaign donated $800,000 to ACORN in 2008 for voter registration efforts.

Was Karl Marx a Satanist?

Karl Marx and Engels created philosophy of psychology. There is clearly a reverse psychology guilt trip. Christian??  David Gushee is a leader at Gamaliel Foundation where both Obama and Mikey Weinstein atheist Jew. Gamaliel Foundation is branch of (IAF) Industrial Area Foundation started by Saul Alinsky himself. Shame on Stars and Stripes for posting this garbage.

Karl Marx Satanic Poems:

Editor’s note: This article was translated into English from material in a Russian book published under the name “Georgi Marchenko.” It was likely published for distribution during the time of the USSR under a pseudonym. The entire book was published in English as Marx & Satan by Richard Wurmbrand. Readers are encouraged to obtain a copy of this book if they find this article interesting.

Karl Marx poetry: Satanic indeed…

Congressional Testimony of REV. RICHARD WURMBRAND
HEARING Before the Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws, of the Committee on the Judiciary, Washington, D.C.



Friday, May 6, 1966

The subcommittee met, pursuant to call, at 10:20 a.m., in room 18, Old Senate Office Building, Senator Thomas J. Dodd presiding. Also present: Jay G. Sourwine, chief counsel; Benjamin Mandel, director of research; Frank W. Schroeder, chief investigator; and Robert C. McManus, investigations analyst.








The Coming Islamic Caliphate: SAUDIS = Wahhabist Empire

“Perhaps it is a universal truth that the loss of liberty at home is to be charged against provisions against danger, real or pretended from abroad” . James Madison

Letter to Thomas Jefferson 13 May 1798  published in Letters and Other Writings of James Madison (1865), Vol. II, p. 141

Is New World Order being created in front of our eyes using Hegelian Dialect?

Hegel’s method in philosophy consists of the triadic development (Entwicklung) in each concept and each thing. Thus, he hopes, philosophy will not contradict experience, but will give data of experience to the philosophical, which is the ultimately true explanation. If, for instance, we wish to know what liberty is, we take that concept where we first find it—the unrestrained action of the savage, who does not feel the need of repressing any thought, feeling, or tendency to act.  Psychological Warfare with use of confusion of opposing conflicts and propaganda will result in loss of ability to resist or defend yourself, country or family.

Another  "ISM" created to bring down Washington Consensus down with Communism.
 “Hegelism” Another “ISM” created to bring Washington Consensus  down with Communism.
The Powers that be in full control  of economy and government in Britain through debt to money lenders in 1600’s/1700’s.   During Middle Ages European Kings placed in power by Roman Catholic church.  Example of this is Charlemagne .  Vatican became indebted to Illuminati and now they control Vatican and experts at Cannon Law.


In a December 13 meeting with the Vice Minister of Interior, the Consul General and human rights officer raised the issue of religious freedom.

The Islamic Caliphate is forming before our eyes! WAHHABISM of Saudi Arabia is SHARIA LAW ON STEROIDS.


Wahhabism, means of advancing goals of UK colonialism in Islamic world

The Basis for Wahhabi ideas grew in the shadow of power and politics. In the internal dimension, there is no doubt that the relationship between Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab and Muhammad ibn Saud, the emir of Al-Diriyah, guaranteed the survival of Wahhabism.

Saudi Arabia Royal Family are Jewish by lineage of Ishmael!
Saudi Arabia Royal Family are Jewish by lineage of Ishmael!

500,000 flee  as Wahhabi militants in firm control of Iraq’s Mosul Are we getting the “Big Picture” here?  British created Wahhabi is killing off Muslim and non-Muslim.

Sunday  10/08/2014,  23:50   (Jerusalem  BASHIQA, Iraq (AFP) — Wahhabi militants were in firm control Wednesday of Iraq’s second city Mosul after seizing it and a swathe of other territory, patrolling its streets and calling for government employees to return to work.

Half a million flee’ The International Organization for Migration said Wednesday that around half a million Iraqis had fled their homes in Mosul following the city’s fall, fearing increased violence.

The Geneva-based organization said its sources on the ground estimated the violence leading up to ISIL’s total takeover “displaced over 500,000 people in and around the city.”

The violence in Mosul “has resulted in a high number of casualties among civilians,” the IOM added.

Known for its ruthless tactics and suicide bombers, ISIL is arguably the most capable force fighting President Bashar Assad inside Syria as well as the most powerful militant group in Iraq.

The takeover of Mosul prompted the United States to voice deep concern about the “extremely serious” situation and warn that ISIL poses “a threat to the entire region.”

UN chief Ban Ki-moon’s spokesman said he was “gravely concerned by the serious deteriorating of the security situation in Mosul.”

ISIL is led by the shadowy Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and backed by thousands of Islamist fighters in Syria and Iraq, many of them Westerners, and it appears to be surpassing al-Qaeda as the world’s most dangerous Wahhabi militant group.

Qatar embraces Wahhabism to strengthen regional influence

12/2011 Qatari Emir inaugurates ‘Imam Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab’ Mosque in Doha, vows to spread ‘teachings of Islam in whole world’.

Qatari Emir inaugurates ‘Imam Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab’ Mosque in Doha, vows to spread ‘teachings of Islam in whole world’.
Qatari Emir inaugurates ‘Imam Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab’ Mosque in Doha, vows to spread ‘teachings of Islam in whole world’.


Can the powers that be unite prior Turkish-Ottoman Empire with Saudi sect of Wahhabi flag of unity “Talaweed”.



West Point Independent “Combating Terrorism Center at West Point” funded  Foundations and NGO’s   “Harmony Project” 

With Meca 2020 Project finished will Democrats win the race over Republican oligarchy with their assigned “Established Religion” goal?
The HORN of Satan is Najd. Location:   Saudi Arabia. Who created Wahhabism? British Intelligence.

WAHABBI sects “stirred up” by Democrats during Carter Administration are “Culling” among their own. Wahabbi (Saudis) created by Britain stirred up by Democrats is ONLY way. Al-Qaeda is Saudi base for genocide of other muslim sects. Tell a lie big enough, often enough eventually they will believe it. Allah/Sin (Crescent Moon god was Satan himself. Wahabbi is “Allah’s “Old Time Religion”

Scholar from al-Azhar: Wahhabism is a Satanic Faith, the Horn of the Devil that Muhammad Predicted
Scholar from al-Azhar: Wahhabism is a Satanic Faith, the Horn of the Devil that Muhammad Predicted


Scholar from al-Azhar: Wahhabism is a Satanic Faith, the Horn of the Devil that Muhammad Predicted


Wahhabism as a Tool of Colonialism.  Could the biblical prophecy “The First shall be last and the Last shall be first” apply with seed of Issac and Ishmael?  Saudi Royal Family Britain’s deal was struck with are direct descendants of Ishmael. 

If Al Saud’s initial success could be owed to the spirit of violence, killing Muslims and plundering their assets, its subsequent achievement would undoubtedly be thanks to the British government’s economic, political and military aid. This is so that any analysis of the issue would be futile without considering the UK’s role.  Although Al Saud used the slogan of monotheism to justify its performance until the fall of the second Saudi and Wahhabi period, in the beginning of the third era Wahhabism itself turned into means of advancing Britain’s goals in the Islamic world.”http://hwaairfan.wordpress.com/2013/11/02/wahhabism-as-a-tool-of-colonialism/

Saudi Wahhabi Leaders See Turkish Threat over Caliphate

Wahhabi clerics are easily provoked upon hearing that other Muslims may entertain the idea of restoring the Muslim caliphate. They strongly believe that Muslims other than themselves are godless and unqualified to claim the honor of reviving the caliphate, a multi-ethnic transnational empire with Sharia and the bonds of faith as the basis of government.http://www.newageislam.com/islam-and-politics/madawi-al-rasheed/saudi-wahhabi-leaders-see-turkish-threat-over-caliphate/d/76797

How Obama engineered the radicalization of the Middle East, setting the stage for Islamic Caliphate

“For I have traveled 3 continents before coming to the region where it was first revealed. “That experience guides my convictions”. Barack Obama. https://www.facebook.com/211539975533886/photos/pb.211539975533886.-2207520000.1402616880./649416245079588/?type=3&theater

HILLARY CLINTON and the Istanbul Process

Will “Istanbul Process” replace “Washington Consensus”???

Caliphate, Erdogen, Istanbul, Silk Road, and Marmaray project all banned words, topis in U.S. media talking points. STUDY IT OUT!!

This is the Babylon they are creating to control all commerce out of Istanbul.  Hillary’s “Istanbul Process”  will replace Washington Consensus as no established religion can co-exist under U.S. Constitution.  With Erdogen recent presidential win Syria is saying next step is Sultan.  Will EU allow Turkey membership?

Was TURKEY a play during BENGHAZI?

Erdogan was the first person that Obama called after winning the election in 2008


Benghazi: The Set-Up and the Cover-Up

By 20 Year CIA agent Clare M. Lopez  The multilateral U.S.-Libya-Turkey agreement to get weapons into the hands of Syrian rebels – which were known to be dominated by Al-Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood elements — by working with and through Al-Qaeda-linked jihadist figures like Belhadj, seemed confirmed by the appearance of a Libyan-flagged vessel, Al-Entisar, which docked at the Turkish port of Iskanderun on September 6, 2012. Report

Suspected of carrying weapons bound for the Syrian rebels, the ship’s cargo reportedly included Russian-designed, shoulder-launched missiles known as MANPADS, RPGs and surface-to-air missiles—all of them just the sort of weapons available in Libya.


8/10/2014 Turkish PM Erdogan wins presidential election and immediately meets with Saudi Arabia King  Abdullah meets Saudi king in Riyadh  Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan arrived in Saudi Arabia on various bi-lateral issues., Anatolia News Agency reported.

Hillary calls Islam a “Great Religion”

Following the deaths of 4 Americans in Benghazi and despite knowing the truth about who was involved, Hillary gets up sells a lie to the world.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUdXN-Wb2sY

Wahhabism…from “Surrendering Islam”

“These Masonic leaders seemed, then, to have embarked on a plan to subvert Islam from within, and to distort the Islamic world and render it predisposed to a confrontation with the West. Key to this strategy was the creation of the Salafi movement, which was an outgrowth of the emergence of the Egyptian Freemasonry of Cagliostro, which today is closely aligned to the Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia.

According to their devious strategy of “divide and conquer”, the British deliberately created the Wahhabi movement in order to upset the Ottoman Empire. At the height of its power, between the sixteenth and seventh century, the Ottoman Empire spanned three continents, controlling much of Southeastern Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. It stretched from the Strait of Gibraltar in the west to the Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf in the east, and from the edge of Austria, Hungary and parts of Ukraine in the north to Sudan, Eritrea, Somalia and Yemen in the south.

However, at the same time, the British were beginning to encroach upon former Muslim territories, in particular, making significant inroads into India. Nevertheless, they continued to have designs on the various parts of the Ottoman Empire, and worked to aid in its collapse by fomenting rebellion from within.The brunt of their strategy was focused on the creation of the Wahhabi sect of Saudi Arabia.”http://surrenderingislam.com/surrendering-islam/wahhabism

Queen Elizabeth II listening to a recitation of the Quran


Why would the Wahhabi Saudi Arabia kingdom destroy the sacred sites of the Prophet Mohammed’s family?

Research what the Wahhabis believe regarding  Allah http://jafrianews.com/2014/02/23/saudi-wahabi-monarchy-destroying-islams-sacred-sites-holy-prophets-birth-place/


United Nations & Lucis (Lucifer) Trust...setting up the "Beast System"



The Lucis Trust

The Lucis Trust is the Publishing House which prints and disseminates United Nations material. It is a devastating indictment of the New Age and Pagan nature of the UN.
Lucis Trust was established in 1922 as Lucifer Trust by Alice Bailey as the publishing company to disseminate the books of Bailey and Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society. The title page of Alice Bailey’s book, ‘Initiation, Human and Solar’ was originally printed in 1922, and clearly shows the publishing house as ‘Lucifer Publishing CoIn 1923.’

Bailey changed the name to Lucis Trust, because Lucifer Trust revealed the true nature of the New Age Movement too clearly. (Constance Cumbey, The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, p. 49). A quick trip to any New Age bookstore will reveal that many of the hard-core New Age books are published by Lucis Trust.

Gamaliel Foundation:  where Obama got his start http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/printgroupProfile.asp?grpid=7004

Secrets of the UN Meditation Room
27 March 2009
“But the stone in the middle of the room has more to tell us. We may see it as an altar, empty not because there is no God, not because it is an altar to an unknown god, but because it is dedicated to the God whom men worship under many names and in many forms.” (Hammerskjold in his own words). Obviously, this is a Satanic delusion because we know that God’s name is the Jehovah of Israel, and his form is that of Jesus of Nazareth. He, the God of the Bible, said, “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.” –Exodus 20:4.

UN, Hotbed of New Age Occult: The Meditation Room
Posted on April 5, 2011 by Dr. Eowyn

This is Part Two of a 3-part series, “UN is a Hotbed of New Age Occult.”

In the name of universal brotherhood and Gaia environmentalism, the UN is actively promoting a new paganism that is a hodge podge of New Agism, Eastern mysticism, and covert Satanism.

THE TEN STRATEGIES OF THE PLAN – Alice Bailey, New Age Guru. United Nations Plan
1. Push God out of the schools. If the people grow up without reference to God, then they will consider God irrelevant to day to day life. In the last fifty years this has happened. God is irrelevant to most people.
2. Break the Traditional Judaeo-Christian Family Concept. Break communication between parents and children so that parents can’t pass on spiritual values to their children. Do this by pushing excessive child rights.
3. Remove restrictions on sex. Sex is the biggest joy and Christianity robs people of this. People must be freed to enjoy it without restrictions. It’s not just for married, it’s for everybody.
4. Since sex is the greatest expression of man’s enjoyment of life, man must be free to express sex in ALL its forms. Homosexuality, orgies, even bestiality are desirable so long as no one is being abused or harmed.
5. People must be free to abort unwanted children. If a man can have sex and then live without the consequences then the same should be true for a woman too. A woman must have the right to abort an unwanted child.
6. Every person develops soul bonds, so when a soul bond wears out a person must be free to divorce. When one starts to grow, one must be free to get together with that person even if they are married . . .
7. Defuse religious radicalism. Christianity says JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY. Defuse this by a) silencing Christianity and b) promoting other faiths (the creation of interfaith harmony)
8. Use the Media to Influence Mass Opinion. Create mass opinion that is receptive to these values by using TV, film, the press etc. (NB what western believers call normal in the African church would be pornography).
9. Debase art in all its forms. Corrupt music, painting, poetry and every expression of the heart and make is obscene, immoral and occultic. Debase the arts in every way possible.
10.Get the church to endorse every one of these nine strategies. Get the church to accept these principles and to say they’re OK (then legal ground is given for these values to get a foothold).

Q: So how do you get a NEW WORLD ORDER you may ask?



Lucis Trust was established in 1922 as Lucifer Trust by Alice Bailey as the publishing company to disseminate the books of Bailey and Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society. The title page of Alice Bailey’s book, ‘Initiation, Human and Solar’ was originally printed in 1922, and clearly shows the publishing house as ‘Lucifer Publishing CoIn 1923.’

Alice A. Bailey

AGE OF DECEIT documentary

Why are world power leaders in competition for power? Revelation 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Lucifer will give up his power to [The] Anti-Christ at appointed time. This is how he will be able to do “signs and wonders”.