Traitors Within Our Government Have Aided the Enemy: Mosques Are the Barracks of Jihad
“The minarets are our bayonets, the domes our helmets, the mosques our barracks and the faithful our army.”
“Since 9/11, the number of mosques in America has grown by 75%. The timing of this is no coincidence. Mosques are a symbol of Islamic supremacism. Islam attacks. Then it plants a triumphal mosque on the battlefield. And another… Mosques pose a dual risk to Americans. First there is the nature of what is preached inside the walls of the mosque. Second is the nature of the walls themselves.
As to the first point, recent studies show that 80% of mosques preach jihad (through sermons and/or materials) and that more than 95% of Muslims attend such mosques…there is evidence that shows that 80% of mosques in this country receive funds from Saudi Arabia. So here we are with at least 1,700 mosques that promote jihad, the vast majority of Muslims attending such mosques, and millions upon millions of dollars flowing in from Saudi Arabia building this dangerous empire. Put it all together and one realizes that mosques serve as jihadist recruitment and training centers.
Welcome to the intersection of religion and politics. In the case of Islam, welcome to hell. Because at its core, Islam is a totalitarian ideology that demands submission. In fact, the word Islam literally means submission: as in convert, pay the jizya tax and live as a second-class citizen, or die.”
WARNING FROM TOP NATIONAL SECURITY EXPERT FRANK GAFFNEY JR. about Republican traitors, namely Grover Norquist, who aid the Islamic infiltration of America.
This was the 1st warning. Another would come in 2014, which is included after this article.
Back in 2003, Frank Gaffney sent out a warning in an article that was described by Discover the Networks founder David Horowitz as “The article you are about to read is the most disturbing that we at have ever published..”
Another warning from National Security expert Frank Gaffney Jr. came out in 2014. He was so alarmed by his investigation that he published a full report which detailed the activities of American Republican conservatives who are aiding the enemy Muslim Brotherhood front groups. He described the Trojan Horse of Islamic infiltration by INVITATION from Republican operatives such as Grover Norquist, the prominent neoconservative who required GOP candidates to sign his no tax pledge. Traitor is a mild word for this man…
Philip Kiko, Lobbyist for Muslim Advocates, Am-Arab Anti-Discrimination Appointed to Benghazi Select Committee by TREY GOWDY (who was appointed by Boehner)
“I also discussed the enabling role that has been played on behalf of and with Muslim Brotherhood-tied Islamists like Abdurahman Alamoudi, Sami al-Arian, Nihad Awad and Suhail Khan in their influence operations targeting the George W. Bush in the run-up to and during his administration by a prominent conservative activist, Grover Norquist. As recounted at length in Agent of Influence: Grover Norquist and the Assault on the Right, the Brotherhood front called the Islamic Free Market Institute, founded by Norquist and Alamoudi, and Norquist’s self-styled “Center-Right” Coalition meetings in Washington and similar groups meeting in state capitals and major cities across the country have served as vehicles for facilitating the penetration and subversion of the conservative movement.
In the course of my Park Cities briefing last year, I did not mention Elibiary by name and he did not make any intervention or otherwise challenge my briefing. After the meeting ended and he left, however, I asked the organizer, “Why do you have a Muslim Brother in this meeting?” Interestingly, he did not reply by saying, “Who are you talking about?” or “What evidence do you have that anyone here is a Muslim Brother?” Instead, he simply said, “The Center-Right Coalition recommended him.”
Boehner stands by Huma Abedin, calls Bachmann’s accusations ‘dangerous’
“Calling the accusations from conservative Republican members of Congress against a top Muslim aide to Hillary Rodham Clinton “pretty dangerous,” House Speaker John A. Boehner became the second top GOP elected official to stand by Huma Abedin, the secretary of State’s longtime adviser.
“From everything that I know of her, she has a sterling character,” Boehner said Thursday. “Accusations like this being thrown around are pretty dangerous.”
On Wednesday, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), the party’s former presidential nominee, gave an unexpected defense of Abedin on the Senate floor, calling for an end to the “ugly” and “sinister” attacks on the daughter of immigrants who “represents what is best about America.”
The Clinton aide has been singled out by conservative Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) and four other rank-and-file Republicans, who want a federal investigation to determine if Abedin is using her influence as deputy chief of staff at the State Department to further the goals of the Muslim Brotherhood.”
Media Ignores Grover Norquist’s Islamist Ties And Activities
November 28, 2012
MIM: Information on Grover Norquist’s Islamist Activities from Discover the Networks.As noted below Norquist is married to a “Palestinian” Muslim which has lead to speculation that he is a convert to Islam. According to Islamic law Muslim woman can not marry a non Muslim man. It is also possible that Norquist was a Muslim before he married. |
Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan is Hillary Clinton’s Minion
Who was the first politician that Obama called on the night of his victory in 2008? Muslim Erdogan. Keep an eye on him and the Istanbul Process…
The Sexual Deviant Bill Clinton Started the Islamic Indoctrination of our Schools with the very Muslim who founded the Muslim chaplain programs in our prison programs. Abdurahman Alamoudi is a convicted felon whose ISNA chaplain program produced the first 2 Muslim chaplains for the U.S. military since it was halted over 15 years ago. He is a known associate of the Muslim Brotherhood and cohort of neoconservative Grover Norquist.
Abdurahman Alamoudi, arrested and accused of helping Osama bin Laden and Hamas, helped develop “Religious Expression in Public School,” introduced and incorporated by President Clinton in 1995.
School districts were pressured to incorporate these “Presidential Guidelines” which were originally drafted as “Religion In The Public Schools: A Joint Statement Of Current Law,” issued by groups including the American Muslim Council, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, and the ACLU which holds the copyright. President Clinton presented his version as “issued by 35 religious groups,” failing to disclose that these “religious groups” are all described by the ACLU as committed to separation of church and state.
Obama regime only pardoned Alamoudi.
CIA Chief John Brennan is a Muslim convert
His actions reflect his true beliefs: he is on the side of Islam.
Obama is The Scapegoat Community Organizer while Clinton’s treason is out of sight out of mind!!