Communism 101 on College Campus: Organized Anarchy Across the Nation
Whites were asked to leave the #ConcernedStudent1950 meeting on campus. There is NO desire for “unity” by the Community Organizers, aka Outside Agitators. Their desire is division between the races in order to “mold them to the program of the Communist Party…In America, we will aim for subtle victory.”
Across the nation, we are seeing college students “rise up” in protest against cases of white privilege, alleged racism, and lack of response from white college administrations. Is it not obvious that we are witnessing a coordinated Communist attack? History and documented facts show the answer is NO.
News that white and black students were separating to create “healing space” prompted concern on Twitter.” White students were asked to leave…imagine if the black students were not included in a “unity” meeting.
Black students interrupt Univ. of Kansas Town Hall in wake of Missouri protest
The University organized the event in response to protests at the University of Missouri and Yale University, and it was moderated by Chancellor Bernadette Gray-Little. It was an emotional event featuring testimony about the way blacks are treated on campus — and that was even before the protesters took over the stage.
On June 17, 1957, this passage was read into the Congressional Record by Rep. Thomas G. Abernathy.
In 1922, the Russian Comintern provided $300,000 for the spreading of communist propaganda among Negroes. In 1925, the Communist Party U.S.A. told its members:
“The aim of our Party in our work among the Negro masses is to create a powerful proletarian movement which will fight and lead the struggle of the Negro race against the exploitation and oppression in every form and which will be a militant part of the revolutionary movement of the whole American working class … and connect them with the struggles of national minorities and colonial peoples of all the world and thereby the cause of world revolution and the dictatorship of the proletariat.”
In 1925, a dozen blacks were recruited for propaganda training in Russia. That same year, the American Negro Labor Congress was established. In 1930, they changed their name to the League of Struggle for Negro Rights. They merged with the United Negro Congress when it was founded in 1936 in Washington, D.C. By 1940, communists made up two-thirds of its membership. In 1947, they united with the Civil Rights Congress, a communist front group.
“A racially integrated community is a chronological term timed from the entrance of the first black family to the exit of the last white family”. Saul Alinsky “We must realize that our Party’s most powerful weapon is racial tension. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races, that for centuries have been oppressed by the whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party … In America, we will aim for subtle victory.
This amazing documentary was forgotten for many years. Although it was produced in 1965 at the height of the civil-rights movement, it is far from being out of date. It provides lessons and insights that could not have been appreciated almost five decades ago.
Ithaca College students organize ‘solidarity walkout’ protesting racially-charged incidents on campus
Following the lead of University of Missouri students, the Ithaca protesters demanded the resignation of college president Tom Rochon, who was accused of ignoring a tense racial climate at the Upstate New York campus.”
The Communist Party USA, the main organizer of Ferguson, Missouri Riots, is now in Baltimore, MD. According to TRAC Terrorism Research Revolutionary Communist Party is an active group in U.S.
During Communist insurrections in Ferguson, Carl Dix was charged by Ferguson police as an ‘Outside Criminal Element”. Buses of activists from the Samuel Dewitt Proctor Conference in Chicago; from the Drug Policy Alliance, Make the Road New York and Equal Justice USA from New York; from Sojourners, the Advancement Project and Center for Community Change in Washington; and networks from the Gamaliel Foundation–all funded in part by Mr. Soros–descended on Ferguson starting in August and later organized protests and gatherings in the city until late last month. George Soros is tied to the funding of Ferguson protests. He is also connected to the Gamaliel Foundation which Obama trained with ACORN and received his Marxist community organizing skills. Later reports confirmed George Soros funded protests with $33 Million dollars. Revolutionary Communist Party released several statements concerning Carl Dix in video below (Baltimore) arrest in Ferguson.
Communism appears to be another banned word in America these days. Investigative journalism seems to be a relic in America once guaranteeing freedom of press.
For those unfamiliar with Cold War Modern Warfare defected KGB Agent Yuri Bezmanov explains. The tactic of “Smart War” or “Active Measures” to create “class warfare” bringing country to crisis without firing a shot in most cases. The Counter Active Measure of same-sex marriage is last phase of demoralization before destabilization.
On June 17, 1957, this passage was read into the Congressional Record by Rep. Thomas G. Abernathy.
In 1922, the Russian Comintern provided $300,000 for the spreading of communist propaganda among Negroes. In 1925, the Communist Party U.S.A. told its members:
“The aim of our Party in our work among the Negro masses is to create a powerful proletarian movement which will fight and lead the struggle of the Negro race against the exploitation and oppression in every form and which will be a militant part of the revolutionary movement of the whole American working class … and connect them with the struggles of national minorities and colonial peoples of all the world and thereby the cause of world revolution and the dictatorship of the proletariat.”
In 1925, a dozen blacks were recruited for propaganda training in Russia. That same year, the American Negro Labor Congress was established. In 1930, they changed their name to the League of Struggle for Negro Rights. They merged with the United Negro Congress when it was founded in 1936 in Washington, D.C. By 1940, communists made up two-thirds of its membership. In 1947, they united with the Civil Rights Congress, a communist front group.
IMPORTANT HISTORY ATTEMPTED COMMUNIST ANARCHY FOR CIVIL UNREST. Stripped of constitutional rights and treated like dogs but yet they are now free will slaves.
“A racially integrated community is a chronological term timed from the entrance of the first black family to the exit of the last white family”. Saul Alinsky “We must realize that our Party’s most powerful weapon is racial tension. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races, that for centuries have been oppressed by the whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party … In America, we will aim for subtle victory. Which if one understands Lenin’s Proletariat educated red army it would seem America is now facing the inevitable.
While enflaming the Negro minority against the Whites, we will instill in the Whites a guilt complex for the exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions, and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negroes will be able to intermarry with the Whites, and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.” A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century, published in 1913 by Israel Cohen of the Fabian Society (a follow-up to Zangwill’s play The Melting Pot),
The Gamaliel Foundation is patterned after earlier (IAF) Industrial Area Foundation which was founded in 1940 by Saul Alinsky himself. Andrew Breitbart covered several stories on Gamaliel, Alinsky and Obama. Foundations funding Gamaliel Foundation including George Soros’ Open Society.
One expose entitled THE VETTING, PART I: BARACK’S LOVE SONG TO ALINSKYdetails Obama’s connection to the Rules for Radicals author . The article has a copy of Chicago play “Saul Alinsky is Back” at Terrapin Theatre. “The Love Song of Saul Alinsky” is important because Barack Obama was in attendance on the last night, sitting on the panel at Blue Ridge Theatre in Pilsen.
Saul Alinsky died in 1972. He was a Marxist grassroots organizer who spent much of his life organizing rent strikes and protesting conditions of the poor in Chicago in the 1930s. However, unlike Christian socialist and activist for the poor Dorothy Day, Alinsky’s real claim to fame was as strategist for anti-establishment ‘60s radicals and revolutionaries.
It seems obvious Obama was George Soros race card community organizer scape goat, with media fanning the flames and diverting attention away from “Outside Agitators”.
The job of the organizer is to bait the establishment so that it will attack him as a dangerous enemy Saul Alinsky American’s having now the first black president are conditioned speaking out is racist.
George Soros funded both Ferguson, Missouri and Baltimore MD communist Black Lives Matter just like Occupy Wall Street. Breitart murdered before he finished his documentary “Occupy Unmasked” revealed OWS was not a grass-roots movement but preplanned one year in advance by then SEIU president Andy Stern. The issue with violence among blacks is social-engineering. The Democrats Jim Crow laws and KKK racist targeting creating a sub-human race only to steer them back on Uncle Sam’s planation two decades later. George Soros corporate cronies funded Starbucks Racist Campaign. Video is comprehensive list of Soros funded organizations which fund racism and civil unrest.
Hillary Clinton is considered to be Alinsky’s daughter. The great outside agitator praises Soros for keeping her in power. Both Obama and Hillary are on Team Soros. Hillary’s Radical distaste for “Rule of Law” @ 5:14 “Hidden Lives of Bill And Hillary Clinton documentary.
UNESCO Classical Conditioning education and psychological warfare against both blacks and whites since WW2 has left it’s mark on our society. Congressional debate during 87th Congress. Congressman Utz (CA) lead the debate on Paul Harvey’s editorial “UNESCO Communist Trap for our youth. Lenin praised Pavlov for his experiments in Speech in Russia. The Brainwashing in our media and educational system is surreal to Nazi Germany. When the brain is presented with two opposing views the brain splits and memory loss occurs. Students now being trained to be obedient global citizens. Social Justice always code word for Marxism and rooted in Frankfort School of (Marxism) Social Justice.
Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake ” is not only Mayor but Secretary of Democratic National Committee. Rawlings also made a “sweet “Enoch” internet deal” with George Soros “Open Society” to provide free internet to Baltimore. Criticism rose against Rawlings after comment “she gave agitators space”.
“I am grateful for Mr. Soros’s support of Baltimore’s effort to attract Google Fiber to Baltimore,” said Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake. “Mr. Soros understands that Baltimore is a City with a great history of innovation and invention. With our world class institutions, businesses and engaged citizens, we are the best City in America for Google to invest in new high-speed Internet infrastructure. ”
In lieu of media participation in every racist incident since Gates/Crowley incident one will always have reasonable doubt to their stories. How amy would play along with their plans to overthrow our nation for a million dollars? This should be pursued and medical records subpoenaed quickly and should prove innocence of police officers. Attack law enforcement anything symbolizing authority is communist Active Measure tactics.
During the early “Red Scares” in America House Committee on UnAmerican Activities investigated everyone even Hollywood. The Smith Act of 1940 prohibited Constitutional liberties to anyone attempting to overthrow Constitution or government. That really should be a no-brainer.
The Luciferian "Long Range Plan" of Communism: Use Faith-Based Community Organizers in Church to Infiltrate & Control
“In 1829, the Illuminati held a meeting in New York which was addressed by a British Illuminist named Wright.Those in attendance were informed that the Illuminati intended to unite the Nihilist and Atheist groups with all other subversive organizations into an international organization to be known as Communism.pawnsinthegame. This destructive force was to be used to enable the Illuminati to foment future wars and revolutions. Clinton Roosevelt (a direct ancestor of F.D.R.) Horace Greeley, and Chas. Dana were appointed a committee to raise funds for this new venture. The fund they raised financed Karl Marx and Engels when they wrote “Das Capital” and “The Communist Manifesto” in Soho, England.
In 1830, Weishaupt died. He carried the deception that the Illuminati was dead to his own death-bed where, to convince his spiritual advisers, he pretended to repent and rejoin the Church.
According to Weishaupt’s revised version of the Age-Old conspiracy the Illuminati were to organize, finance, direct and control ALL international organizations and groups by working their agentur into executive positions at the top. Thus it was that while Karl Marx was writing the Communist Manifesto under direction of one group of Illuminists, Professor Karl Ritter of Frankfurt University was writing the antithesis under direction of another group, so that those who direct the conspiracy at the top could use the differences in these two ideologies to start dividing larger and larger numbers of the human race into opposing camps so they could be armed and then made to fight and destroy each other, together with their political and religious institutions.”
By Bishop Gerald Kennedy [c. 1960]
“For the Lord spoke thus to me with his strong hand upon me, and warned me not to walk in the way of people saying, “ Do not call conspiracy all that this people call conspiracy, and do not fear what they fear, nor be in dread”.”
Isaiah 8:11-12
There has been a good deal of talk in these days about communist infiltration into the churches. I never paid much attention to it because I know the churches and it is obvious that they are the real bulwarks against this evil system. Besides, you will discover this talk has two main sources. First, it comes from religious racketeers who like all racketeers, prey on legitimate enterprises. Second, it comes from men who fear judgment and change and who believe it is 1860 instead of 1960. So I never paid it much mind.
It came to me that a more careful examination should be made and I am sorry to report that there are unmistakable signs of communist doctrines having captured the minds of some churchmen. It is much more subtle and dangerous than we have recognized and I feel it is my duty to speak a warning. For the people who have been making all the fuss about this issue, have missed the point. A friend of mine once remarked about a speech of mine: “The bishop hit the nail right on the head, but it was the wrong nail.” This is the perfect description of the activities of most of the brethren attacking churches.
Evangelical Manifesto? The Marxists are IN THE CHURCH!
Evangelical “Manifesto” is code for Marxist. Who would ever put a word so associated with Communism in the same sentence as religion? A community organizer trained by Saul Alinsky, the infamous mentor of Obama and Hillary who dedicated his book “Rules for Radicals” to Lucifer. That is who…
The “Coming One” that UN Lucis Trust founder Alice A. Bailey referred to is LUCIFER
The UN & the Occult Agenda / Total Onslaught (video)
In this video, the hidden agenda of the UN is clearly exposed. From its inception to its ultimate goal, the creation of a global religio-political system will have far-reaching consequences for every individual on Earth and possible catastrophic consequences for those who trust in salvation in Christ alone.
This presentation includes a look at Robert Mueller’s school and philosophy, and how the cosmic christ (Lucifer) and the United Nations go together.
The Unholy Alliance -Christianity & The NWO Part I
The Bilderbergs.The Trilateral Commission.The Council of Foreign Relations.The Central Intelligence Agency. Most everyone has heard of these groups and some of the conspiracy theories surrounding them regarding the development of the ‘New World Order.’ Now imagine for a moment there is something to this (and there appears to be no lack of documented material justifying these theories). That would mean that at almost every elevated level of business and government, world wide, men and women have infiltrated, become the controlling administrators and are working to effectively control every aspect of the life of the “world citizen.” One aspect of this that has not been properly searched out is the “religious” connection. Surely, given that much of the world is religious, and in the currently reigning SuperPower nation of the U.S., predominantly “Christian,” then it would only make sense that these organizations have infiltrated the Church itself and are also actively leading it to into the New World Order as well. Do the worlds leading Christian evangelicals have ties to these organizations? Yes they do, and it is thoroughly documented.
Evangelical Alliance was formed in the belly of the beast
The One World Religion, ECUMENICAL Movement, owes its creation to the Evangelical Alliance, formed in the Lucifer loving “Light-Bringer” Freemason’s Hall in London during August 1846.
“Our name indicates our weakness and our shame before God, for there can be and there is finally only one Church of Christ on earth. Our plurality is a deep anomaly. But our name indicates also that we are aware of that situation, that we do not accept it passively, THAT WE WOULD MOVE FORWARD TOWARDS THE MANIFESTATION OF THE ONE HOLY CHURCH” (The Genesis and Formation of the World Council of Churches, p. 66).
This supposed “one holy church,” this longed for world church, is a figment of a heretical imagination. The Bible does not tell us that there should be a world church. Quite the opposite. The Bible repeatedly warns that “Christendom” will become increasingly apostate as the time of Christ’s return draws near, and true Bible churches are commanded to remain separate from this wickedness. God is not fulfilling the Great Commission through a church, singular, but through churchES, plural
Defending the Catholic Campaign for Human Development…Alinskyian organizing is intrinsic to the CCHD.
After three years of intense scrutiny into problematic Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) grants, the American Life League and other concerned groups gave the beleaguered “charity” some space to reorganize. CCHD’s 2013 collection came and went with hardly a peep from its critics and the next year of grants was announced unchallenged.
CCHD allies, however, have used the hiatus to argue against any reform or redirection.
One of those allies is Faith in Public Life. In anticipation of the 2008 elections, Faith in Public Life was created by Soros-connected individuals[i] to be a media machine that could give a religious voice to progressive political positions. To this end, progressive clergy from various “faith traditions” were brought together to deliver coordinated messages concerning the election – most critically, that voting for a president needed to be about more than his abortion record. They were so successful that the organization continued to coordinate other campaigns, such as a push for universal health care regardless of any moral failures built into the new system.”
Obama, Alinksy and the Devil
by Kevin Jackson
When people ask me, “Why would Obama want to destroy America” — at least the America that most Conservatives know and love? It’s simple. Why wait for Hell, when you can create Hell on Earth?
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development: Reform or Bust
“While the CCHD has certainly faced extensive criticism, it has also had many defenders. On the USCCB’s website for the CCHD, its mission is described as follows:
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development is the domestic anti-poverty, social justice program of the U.S.Catholic bishops. Its mission is to address the root causes of poverty in America through promotion and support of community-controlled, self-help organizations and through transformative education.
On the surface, it would appear that Soros would be opposed to many positions of the Catholic Church. A major financial backer of the ACLU, Soros supports such causes as drug legalization, the rights of “sex workers” and felons, euthanasia, radical feminism, abortion rights, and homosexual rights. He does all of this in the name of promoting an “open society.”
But a review of the records of his Open Society Institute finds that a group calling itself Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good (CACG) has received $200,000 from them over the last several years.
Was Governor Haslam really upset at Illegal children dumped off in the middle of the night? Or could it have been planned like everyone else?
With the recent orchestrated “escorted” influx of illegal children from South America where is America headed? Do we stand up for “OUR” children’s future or do we fall for Saul Alinsky’s 4th Rule?
With reports nationwide of many diseases including lice scabies and TB this raises concerned for children when they return back to school.
Federal and Soros funded CCHD to launder money into state contractors for distribution of illegal children in Tennessee.
Tennessee constitution prevents “Monopolies” from operating if enforced:
§ 22. Perpetuities and monopolies That perpetuities and monopolies are contrary to the genius of a free State, and shall not be allowed.
Refugee Resettlement Watch Report:
Refugee resettlement contractors say don’t give their money to the children. They want the money for their businesses! These contractors are paid to bring refugees to Tennessee.
This year Congress increased funding for refugee resettlement contractor business to $1.489 billion, an increase from last year’s $1.12 billion but still short the additional $1.6 billion that refugee contractors demanded.
Federal refugee contractors like the TN Office for Refugees (TOR) operating in Tennessee, are complaining that the U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) may use some of the contractors’ money to help the children crossing the border. TOR says that if their money is reduced they won’t be able to help the refugees they have brought to Tennessee. To date, there has been no suggestion by TOR that they would reduce the number of people they plan to bring to the State.
The federal contractors have been directed by their leadership to lobby Congress for more money, which in part is why Pres. Obama’s original request of $2 billion in emergency spending for the border is now $3.7 billion. If Congress approves this request, the illegals will get to stay and TOR will get all its money. Why shouldn’t the contractors get to save their cake and eat it too? Report here:
Refugee contractors have an organized campaign to get more tax dollars due to border invasion and this time it is Tennessee
Holly Johnson, Catholic Charities of Tennessee, decides which ethnic groups and how many refugees will come to the state. The state has no say in the matter
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) is a Washington, D.C.-based, anti-poverty foundation, founded by the Catholic bishops of the United States in 1969. Replenished annually by a November collection in Catholic parishes, the $15 million foundation gives grants to a wide-range community organizing groups, including those associated with Industrial Areas Foundation, ACORN and other community organizing networks, as well as independent organizing efforts. In addition, CCHD funds worker and community owned development projects.
Generally, these efforts are not affiliated with the Catholic Church. CCHD is one of the largest, if not the single largest, funders of Alinsky-tradition community organizing in the United States. Its origins are in the Catholic Committee for Urban Ministry (CCUM), a 1960s group that brought together clergy, women religious and lay leaders working in our nation’s cities for racial and economic justice
Investigation into Catholic Campaign for Human Development unorthodox scandals of concerning U.S. Conference for Catholic Bishops specifically “Bishops Subcommittee on the Catholic Campaign for Human Development”.
CCHD and how the Catholic Church was infiltrated by Alinsky followers. This video by Michael Voris of RealCatholicTV titled “The CCHD and Saul Alinsky” explains a lot. It explains how the Church was infiltrated by Alinsky followers and why Chicago is a source of so much heterodoxy. There’s even a tie in with Father Frank Pavone’s situation. You see Bishop Zurek’s mentor, Bishop John McCarthy of Austin, was one of the founders of CCHD. (See the article below that mentions Fr. John McCarthy as an assistant to Msgr. George Higgins — a rather famous labor activist at the time. Sure, it’s OK for Catholic priests to be pro-labor activists, but not pro-Life activists.)
Catholic Parishioners demanded investigation into radical actions within Catholic Church. Great investigation. Exposes Saul Alinsky’s style organizations to distort churches (IAF) Industrial Area Foundation and Gamaliel Foundation.
Alinsky’s “community organizers” are nothing but a front for his socialist agenda. CCHD was founded specifically to funnel Catholic Church funds into the network of “community organizations” founded by Alinsky.
He was RECRUITED by Marty Kaufman, which is a pseudonym for Jerry Kellman. Obama writes about him
at length throughout the memoir’s 160-page section on his experience organizing in Chicago. Kellman has a signed copy. It reads “To Jerry, a friend and a mentor. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ “Campaign for Human Development” paid a young Barack Obama’s airfare to a training program on community organizing given by the Industrial Areas Foundation, an organization founded by leftist radical Saul Alinsky, according a book, No Higher Power, written by conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly and journalist George Neumayr, which reports that “In the 1980s, the Catholic archdiocese of Chicago contributed to the training of Obama in the very Alinskyite radicalism that would culminate in such anti-religious measures as the HHS mandate,” according to an article on the book published by the Blaze.
CCHD and how the Catholic Church was infiltrated by Alinsky followers
Washington 2013 A newly released report highlights the ongoing threats to the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, the U.S. church’s premier anti-poverty initiative, from conservative groups and prelates who object to giving money to organizations not in full compliance with church teaching.
The origins of community organizing are generally traced to the pioneering work of Saul Alinsky, who built the first community organizing effort in Chicago’s Back of the Yards neighborhood in the 1930s. Alinsky created the early community-based efforts by organizing existing groups into collective action around particular issues. Investigation is limited to scope of IAF Industrial Area Foundation. Same Marxist style training is Gamaliel Foundation which Obama worked and trained.
II. Reasons for selecting the Industrial Areas Foundation for this Commentary:
1. The IAF receives the largest percentage of CHD grants of any CHD grantee. During the funding period of 1992-1997, CHD has awarded significant grants to the IAF. The IAF has received approximately 15% of the national CHD annual budget between 1992-1997.1 This represents approximately $6,466,500 during this funding period.
2. The CHD is historically related to the IAF. The consistently high proportion of CHD grants to the IAF is in itself a reason to study IAF activities. The IAF’s historical relationship to the CHD is another: “There was no formal link between the Campaign for Human Development and the Industrial Areas Foundation [at the CHD’s inception]; but the philosophy behind the newly established CHD had been influenced by key Catholic leaders who in turn had been influenced by Alinsky and the IAF. In fact, funding from the CHD over the years has often gone to broad based community organizations established with the support of the IAF.2 During his visit to Britain in 1990, Rev. Al LoPinto, then director of the Campaign for Human Development, explained that the Campaign had no formal commitment to the IAF and broad based community organizing; however, they found the approach to be effective and the IAF organizers to be very professional.”3
III. Founding of the Industrial Areas Foundation:
1. The IAF was founded by organizer Saul Alinsky.4 Saul Alinsky wrote two books outlining his organizational principles and strategies: Reveille for Radicals (1946) and Rules for Radicals (1971).5
Saul Alinsky's 60's/70's Radicals Now HAVE THE PEOPLE IN POWER
Saul Alinsky dedicated his book “Rules for Radicals” to Lucifer
Obama, Alinsky and the Devil
“When people ask me, “Why would Obama want to destroy America” — at least the America that most Conservatives know and love? It’s simple. Why wait for Hell, when you can create Hell on Earth?
We often hear of Liberals use of Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, and people discuss Alinsky’s organizing abilities. What they omit is his underlying philosophy. Alinsky built his organizing model on a love of creating hell.”
Saul Alinskyinterviewin Playboy, 1972
ALINSKY: Hell would be heaven for me. All my life I’ve been with the have-nots. Over here, if you’re a have-not, you’re short of dough. If you’re a have-not in hell, you’re short of virtue. Once I get into hell, I’ll start organizing the have-nots over there.
PLAYBOY: Why them?
ALINSKY: They’re my kind of people.
During 50’s, 60’s, 70’s attempted revolutions organized by “Red Outside Agitator Saul Alinsky organizing tactics Alinsky stated: “We have the people but we don’t have the power”. Now they have the power and cannot fathom how organized they are. Churches are inviting satan right behind the pulpits.
Saul Alinsky dedicated his book “Rules for Radicals” to Lucifer. That should tell you something about the mission that he and the other 60’s & 70’s radicals have planned for America and the world. The young radicals he mentored such as Hillary Clinton, Bill Ayers, and his wife Bernadine Dohrn, both members of the domestic terrorist group The Weatherman ( or Weather Underground) attended his community organizing institutes such as Industrial Areas Foundation. Others, such as Barack Hussein Obama and current Pentagon Religious Tolerance Policy task force head Mikey Weinstein, founder of the anti-Christian Military Religious Freedom Foundation, were trained at the Alinsky inspired Gamaliel Foundation. Obama and his fellow radicals are now in position of power in institutions across America, including universities, public schools, businesses, the judiciary, cabinet secretaries, Congress, and believe it or not, CHURCH organizations. The radical change of America that we are witnessing is not a sudden occurrence but rather the result of a long, well thought out plan by those, including the founders of the United Nations, who seek to bring their “messiah” to rule in his kingdom on earth. It’s not a conspiracy. They’ve left a trail of breadcrumbs for anyone to follow.
Larry Grathwohl on Ayers’ plan for American re-education camps and the need to kill millions
In 1969, Weather Underground founders Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn (who were to become Pres. Obama’s personal friends and associates for many years) put Charles Manson on the cover of their occasional newspaper, “Fire”. At what was billed as a “War Council” in Flint Michigan that same year, Ayers and his comrades took to greeting eachother with “the fork” – four fingers pointed upwards, in honor of Manson. (Google Dohrn’s Flint conference quote on Manson – and Sharon Tate, who was 8 1/2 months pregnant at the time.) In 1972 Ayers dedicated the WU’s manifesto, “Prairie Fire”, to his cultural and political heroes — a list which included Sen. Robert Kennedy’s assassin, Sirhan Sirhan.
Throughout their career as terrorist bombers, Ayers and Dohrn were constantly trying to break the Left free of its “bourgeois” commitment to any standard of justice or decency. By adopting Charles Manson as their own, by praising Manson as a hero of the counterculture, they hoped to smash the Left’s “bourgeois” ties to civilization and thus spark similar acts of horrific “revolutionary” violence against innocent people.
Over 400 people attended that Flint conference. Can’t help but wonder what positions they have now, unknown to anyone but each other…
“Do you know the name “Larry Grathwohl”? You should. What he did and lived to tell was shocking, and shouldn’t be forgotten. Stick with me and read these words, and pass them along. Here are words about a man whose work and life merit your attention and that of your fellow Americans.
RIP Larry Grathwohl, Weather Underground Infiltrator The nation’s leading authority on Obama friends Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn et al. has died.
Larry Grathwohl was a distinguished Vietnam vet who in the 1960s contacted the FBI and offered his services in infiltrating Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn’s Weather Underground. That was no small deal; it was extremely dangerous. It was a total self-sacrifice, a leap into hell on behalf of his country. He risked his life and endured some wretched things that most of us would refuse to do. For the good of his country, he became part of an ugly inner circle. He had to plunge into their dark side.
Grathwohl ultimately blew the whistle on Ayers and Dohrn and crew in sworn testimony in the 1970s and (further) in his 1976 book, Bringing Down America: An FBI Informer with the Weathermen, plus numerous times since. He testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on October 18, 1974, where he spoke at length, and under oath, about his relationship with Ayers and Dohrn, including how Dohrn personally (in Grathwohl’s words) “had to plan, develop, and carry out the bombing of the [park] police station in San Francisco.” In that tragic action by the Weather Underground in February 1970, a young San Francisco police officer named Brian V. McConnell was killed.
The infamous manifesto that gave Bill Ayers and “The Weathermen” their name
“You Don’t Need A Weatherman To Know Which Way The Wind Blows” (Originally published in New Left Notes June 18, 1969)
Obama lied when he said he barely knew Bill Ayers during his presidential campaign
Obama Had Long Close Connection to Bill Ayers Father: Obama Slogan ‘Forward’ – Marxist Communist Roots
“Remember Obama saying Domestic Terrorist, Weatherman Bill Ayers, was “just a guy in the neighborhood?” Even the most ardent Obama supporter can’t swallow that almost four years after his reign began. They might ignore it, but they know it’s a big “effing” deal, as the current Vice President of the United States might say. The following points to the incontrovertible truth that Obama’s 2012 campaign slogan “Forward,” is a Socialist, Marxist, Communist mantra used for at least, close to 100 years.”
Child Victim of William Ayers Nail Bomb Speaks Out
Bill Ayers’ recent appearance on Megyn Kelly’s Fox News program appears to be part of a systematic campaign to whitewash the activities of the communist terrorists who were murdering policemen and FBI agents during the 1960s and 70s, and to set the stage for their release and rehabilitation.
Kelly was unprepared for the interview and failed to consult prominent experts on the case, such as former FBI agent Max Noel. “I’m extremely disappointed, as are a number of us who actually worked the WUO [Weather Underground Organization] case on a daily basis, in your attempt to ‘confront him’ without availing yourself of the knowledge that those of us who actually worked the case could have given you,” Noel said in a message to Kelly. The former FBI agent, who arrested the UNABOMBER and has co-authored a sensational new book about that case, was a member of the Weatherman Task Force in San Francisco, where Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, were operating.
This is as big a lie as Ayers’ claim made to Kelly that he didn’t know Barack Obama very well, even though he helped him launch his political career in Chicago. “I knew him as well as he knew 10,000 other people,” Ayers said. “Today, I wish I knew him much better and I wish he’d listen to me.”
Look at another one of Obama’s dear comrades: Mike Klonsky
Klonsky was an associate of Weather Underground members. Klonsky formed a Maoist organization, first known as the October League, which ultimately became the Communist Party (Marxist Leninist).
Klonsky was CP(ML)’s chairman. He was so highly thought of by Mao’s regime that he was among the first Americans invited to visit Communist China.
Here’s what you need to know. Klonsky is an unabashed communist whose current mission is to spread Marxist ideology in the American classroom. Obama funded him to the tune of nearly $2 million. Obama, moreover, gave Klonsky a broad platform to broadcast his ideas: a “social justice” blog on the official Obama campaign website.
Klonsky’s communist pedigree could not be clearer. His father, Robert Klonsky, was an American communist who was convicted in the mid-Fifties for advocating the forcible overthrow of the United States government — a violation of the Smith Act, anti-communist legislation ultimately gutted by the Supreme Court. In the Sixties, Klonsky the younger teamed with Ayers, Dohrn, Jones and other young radicals to form the Students for a Democratic Society. It was out of the SDS that Ayers, Dohrn and Jones helped found the Weatherman terrorist group.
Klonsky took a different path, albeit one that led inexorably to a new partnership with Ayers, which Obama mightily helped underwrite. Upon splitting off from the SDS, Klonsky formed a Maoist organization, first known as the October League, which ultimately became the Communist Party (Marxist Leninist).
Scrubbed: Photo of President Obama Removed Just Days After Book Exposes Agenda to Eliminate Suburbs
Socialist/Communist Student Of Alinsky Taught Barack Obama in the Alinsky method. Mike Kruglik, who remembered Obama as “the best student he ever had,” a “natural … undisputed master of agitation.”
Luckily, Breitbart has a nice copy of the photo, showing Obama and his commie comrade Mike Kruglik, another Alinsky graduate from IAS…This website shows a cached view of how the site looked on July 19th, 2012 — with a photo of President Obama talking to Building One America’s President Mike Kruglik, which was taken during a 2011 meeting held at the White House. Kruglik’s official biography on the Building One America site describes him thusly: “He has been developing grass-roots citizens’ power organizations since 1973 with the Industrial Areas Foundation, the Gamaliel Foundation and Building One America.” It also says: “From 1984 to 1998, he was co-director of the Calumet Community Religious Conference, the community organization that recruited and hired Barack Obama as a community organizer. Mr. Kruglik’s role as Barack Obama’s mentor has been chronicled in a number of works of history and periodicals.”
As college student, Eric Holder participated in ‘armed’ takeover of former Columbia University ROTC office
As college student, Eric Holder participated in ‘armed’ takeover of former Columbia University ROTC office
Department of Justice spokeswoman Tracy Schmaler has not responded to questions from The Daily Caller about whether Holder himself was armed — and if so, with what sort of weapon. Holder was then among the leaders of the Student Afro-American Society (SAAS), which demanded that the former ROTC office be renamed the “Malcolm X Lounge.” The change, the group insisted, was to be made “in honor of a man who recognized the importance of territory as a basis for nationhood.” Black radicals from the same group also occupied the office of Dean of Freshman Henry Coleman until their demands were met. Holder has publicly acknowledged being a part of that action.
The founding of the Greater Cleveland Congregations (GCC), a group that describes itself as “a non-partisan coalition of faith communities and partner organizations in Cuyahoga County working together to build power for social justice,” claims that its focus is uniting the masses to improve local neighborhoods.
What is the stage of the proletarian revolution?
What are the tasks of the Marxist-Leninists at this time? Great discussions and debates are taking place all over the U.S. on these and other closely related questions. Is now the time to build up the Marxist-Leninist Party or to build “pre-Party formations, rank-and-file caucuses”, etc.? Is the primary-task to develop the unity of the Marxist-Leninists in one national CENTER or to develop the unity of the “mass movement”? Is the main obstacle facing the Marxist-Leninists modern revisionism or is it “sectarianism and dogmatism”? Should the Marxist-Leninists develop the instruments of working-class propaganda or lead reformist struggles at the “point of production”? In essence this entire debate centers on whether to uphold Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought and work for building the Marxist-Leninist Party or to work for something else. The First Conference of American Marxist-Leninists took a bold stand on each of these questions and united the comrades to further develop the role of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought and the work of building the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party as the LEADER AND COMMANDER OF THE REVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENT.
The “Plan”…
The End State Strategy with all the players…Alinsky’s disciples are in positions to make it happen now.
The assaults against Religious Freedom since 2008 has been unprecedented in U.S. since Revolutionary War with no course for redress given. The attacks by Weinstein and his personal front FFRF are undeniable. Freedom (From) Religion Foundation has been at the very forefront of every attack against Religious Freedom within military since Weinstein’s appointment at Pentagon as well as across U.S. Is Saul Alinksy’s “Marxist Ruling Class” infiltrated every level of govenrment to achieve his goal of “Total Power”?? Alinsky Communist organizers have played vital part in attacks against U.S. fundamental laws and Constitutional liberties. While they are eager to manipulate liberties which U.S. Constitution provides. now with their power base in highest levels of government there is no recourse for justice against the militant assaults which threatens our future.
“Perhaps it is a universal truth that the loss of liberty at home is to be charged against provisions against danger, real or pretended from abroad”.
I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power, than by violent and sudden usurpations June 6 1788 Speech at the Virginia Convention to ratify the Federal Constitution
Letter to Thomas Jefferson 13 May 1798 published in Letters and Other Writings of James Madison (1865), Vol. II, p. 141
The Smith Act (54 Stat. 670) of 1940 proscribed, among other things, the advocacy of the forcible or violent overthrow of the government. The act became the analogue of the New York Criminal Anarchy Act sustained in gitlow v. new york, 268 U.S. 652, 45 S. Ct. 625, 69 L. Ed. 1138 (1925). New York had passed that law in 1902,
The Pincers Strategy style attacks directed both at military and our society as a whole. The combatant attacks directed simultaneously and methodically at religious freedoms, every constitutional liberty listed in our Bill of Rights, judicial laws the fundamental foundations fabric which knits the fiber of U.S. exceptionalism. Weinstein and FFRF’s attacks on Christians in military has been astounding removing bibles from base lodges, removal of God from everything in military from court martial, removal of all references in oaths , logos onpatches Why are these attacks limited only to Christianity? Islam, Wicca and even Satanism is allowed within our military now. Army for sometime has Satanic church and Psychological Warfare paranormal warfare unit. Interesting “Temple of Set” name and it’s founder Lt. Col. Aquino is a very interesting character. The sect seems to be named after homosexual Egyptian Warlord of chaos. Set could have been changed to “Baphomet” first mentioned during trials of specific Knights Templar. No one connects after Rome conquered during Abbasid Caliphate Catholic church took over. Knights Templar created by Vatican to take possession of Jerusalem back from muslims. Why are non-Catholic Christians charged with these crimes under 2nd Nicea’s heresy laws?
Oklahoma refused to remove Ten Commandments at state capitol and this statue was erected to defy their steadfast support to fundamental values.
If Christianity was written into “Common Law” while leaving religion up to conscience would it be National duty to defend it????
The assaults against the very “fiber” of our Judicial Laws and Constitutional Freedoms has been bi-partisan and felt throughout the world.
CCHD paid for Barack Obama’s Marxist Training at (IAF) Industrial Area Foundation.
CCHD paid for Barack Obama’s Marxist Training at (IAF) Industrial Area Foundation.
Is the long forgotten history of “Spanish Inquisition” being wrongly interconnected with true Christianity? Does the Creator expect us to lay down like dogs or fight the good fight of faith? Will these treasonous assaults go unchecked that history of persecutions during Roman Empire, Spanish Inquisition and later Britain’s “Divine Rights of Kings” starting with Bloody Mary?
“Today, we face incredibly well-funded gangs of fundamentalist Christian monsters who terrorize their fellow Americans by forcing their weaponized and twisted version of Christianity upon their helpless subordinates in our nation’s armed forces.”
Those words were recently written by Mikey Weinstein, founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF), in a column he wrote for the Huffington Post. Weinstein IS a consultant to the Pentagon in charge of developing new policies on religious tolerance, including a policy for court-martialing military chaplains who share the Christian Gospel during spiritual counseling of American troops.
Joseph Story served as Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court from 1811-1845, and founded the Harvard Law School. “Chief Justice John Marshall welcomed the young scholar, and their working relationship was one of the most productive in the history of the Court. … From his teaching came a dozen volumes of legal commentary on public and private law. Through his multiple roles as judge, teacher, and publicist, Story was the most commanding legal figure of his age.”16 The following quotes from this renowned Associate Justice leave no doubt of the vital importance Christianity played in both the private and civil life of America.
”I verily believe Christianity necessary to the support of civil society. One of the beautiful boasts of our municipal jurisprudence is that Christianity is a part of the Common Law. . . There never has been a period in which the Common Law did not recognize Christianity as lying its foundations.”
“Christianity becomes not merely an auxiliary, but a guide, to the law of nature; establishing its conclusions, removing its doubts, and evaluating its precepts.”
“My own private judgment has long been (and every day’s experience more and more confirms me in it) that government cannot long exist without an alliance with Religion to some extent, and that Christianity is indispensable to the true interests and solid foundation of all governments. . . . I know not, indeed, how any deep sense of moral obligation or acceptableness can be expected to prevail in the community without a firm foundation of the great Christian truths.”
If Christianity was written into “Common Law” to ensure “morality” while leaving religion up to conscience would it be National duty to defend it????
Could Gamaliel Leader and FFRF Founder Mikey Weinstein’s attack be covert attacks against the very fiber of our Judicial Law?
John Adams 2nd U.S. President and Signer of the Declaration of Independence:
“Suppose a nation in some distant Region should take the Bible for their only law Book, and every member should regulate his conduct by the precepts there exhibited! Every member would be obliged in conscience, to temperance, frugality, and industry; to justice, kindness, and charity towards his fellow men; and to piety, love, and reverence toward Almighty God … What a Eutopia, what a Paradise would this region be.” (Diary and Autobiography of John Adams, Vol. III, p. 9)
Monday, 28 July 2014 11:50
IRS Agrees to Atheist Group’s Demands to Monitor Sermons
Obama’s Oct. 26, 2012 Executive Order Partnership among the most dangerous to freedom in America. Not only did this fascist Executive Order place most Federal Agencies under Homeland Security but included “non-governmental agencies” which share same views. This could include former Gamaliel Foundation Executive organizer Mikey Weinstein’s Freedom From Religion. Both Weinstein and Obama worked for Gamaliel Foundation. Weinstein was appointed over Pentagon Religious Freedom.
IRS has agreed to monitor pastor’s sermons as part of plea bargain relating to lawsuit by Weinstein’s Freedom From Religion Organization.
The Internal Revenue Service continues to extend its already vast overreach, this time by agreeing to monitor church sermons as part of an agreement the government made on July 17 with the aggressively atheistic Freedom From Religion Foundation.
Freedom Outpost reported, “The Internal Revenue Service settled a lawsuit brought by the Freedom from Religion Foundation. The 2012 lawsuit was settled after the IRS agreed to monitor what is said in houses of worship, something that is a clear violation of the First Amendment, since no law can be written by Congress to this effect.”
There is nothing mentioned about Labor Unions political ties and funding while receiving tax exempt status for union dues. Churches have fell for Lyndon B. Johnson’s trap of 401c3 he created. The fact is churches have always had tax-exempt status. Johnson’s bill only applied to churches which have business attached to their church. This was only a means to silence the church voice and hush money for churches who took the bait.
The Radical Changes and attacks on Christianity are consistent with Saul Alinsky and his radical community organizers.
Saul Alinsky’s radical proteges are waging his war on America
Using Saul Alinsky Marxist Gamaliel Foundation and (IAF) Industrial Area Foundation as fronts use Communist style organizing as religious fronts. Both of which have tax-exempt status.
Excerpt from excellent insider expose on how the U.S. CATHOLIC BISHOPS CONFERENCE PROMOTES AMNESTY TO ILLEGALS, Saul Alinsky community organizer style! Using that 4th Rule…”Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity.”
“Notice that there was no reiteration of Catholic teaching that homosexuality is immoral and a disordered lifestyle. Yet, the Bishops have been enthusiastic about passing a new immigration bill that extends amnesty to illegal aliens.
A December 12, 2010, message from “Justice for Immigrants,” a project of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), declared: “DREAM Act wins in House, focus is now on Senate. Thanks to your great effort, the House of Representatives passed the DREAM Act on Wednesday night with a 216-198 vote. It has been a tough battle, but we cannot let up now. We need to keep the momentum going.”When the DREAM Act failed to pass in the Senate, Sister Simone Campbell, the Executive Director of NETWORK, a National Catholic Social Justice Lobby,
issued a statement saying:“The Senate’s vote to block passage of the DREAM Act raised bullying behavior to a new level in our nation. By targeting children who were brought to the U.S. by their undocumented immigrant parents and by denying those children the opportunity to earn citizenship through hard work and sacrifice, legislators have embarrassed themselves and our nation. Worse than that, legislators who voted against DREAM yielded to pressure from nativist, bigoted people who find no shame in going after children during this Christmas season by spreading lies about the content and intent of the bill. Shame on all those senators who chose politics over justice and compassion. At NETWORK, we will press the new Congress to finally reform our immigration system so that justice triumphs over bigotry.”…/upl…/2013/12/mayer.pdfJUSTICE FOR IMMIGRANTS supported by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is the case in all faiths, it isn’t the faithful who are evildoers but the ones pulling the strings behind the leaders at the top. ALINSKY GOES TO CHURCH cry is coming from Catholics across the country to defund the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, the social justice arm for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Federal and Soros funded CCHD to launder money into state contractors for distribution of illegal children in Tennessee.
Federal refugee contractors like the TN Office for Refugees (TOR) operating in Tennessee, are complaining that the U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) may use some of the contractors’ money to help the children crossing the border. TOR says that if their money is reduced they won’t be able to help the refugees they have brought to Tennessee. To date, there has been no suggestion by TOR that they would reduce the number of people they plan to bring to the State.
IS MIKEY WEINSTEIN PAYING TAXES ON HIS INCOME FROM (FFRF) Freedom From Religion? With Weinstein’s billet at Pentagon seems this should be classified “Conflict of Interest”!!
Military Times: Mikey Weinstein receiving 47% of all revenues from (FFRF) Freedom (From) Religion.
Exclusive: Nonprofit CEO cashes in on religious freedom campaign
Over the last decade, Military Religious Freedom Foundation founder and president Mikey Weinstein has become one of the most persistent and vocal activists in the military community, ferociously arguing for the separation of church and state in the military.
His compensation for running MRFF is also exceptionally large compared with top salaries at most nonprofits, military-related and otherwise — especially those the size of MRFF, an Air Force Times examination of the organization’s tax filings shows. In 2012, Weinstein received total compensation worth $273,355 — about 47 percent of all money MRFF raised through contributions and grants that year, according to IRS filings accessed on the nonprofit transparency website GuideStar.
WEINSTEIN ALINSKY TRAINED DISCIPLE at Gamaliel Foundation. According to “God And Country” Christian organization of Fighter Pilots: ” Interesting choice of words, since the Air Force says the ability to “serve” as a JAG is “contingent upon graduation“ from law school. For the record, Weinstein got his law degree in 1981, four years after he graduated USAFA. How’s that math work again? ” Seems the media is not concerned about First Amendment or Fact Checking.
“Remember that it is the actions, and not the commission, that make the officer, and that there is more expected from him, than the title”.
GEORGE WASHINGTON, Address to the Officers of the Virginia Regiment, Jan. 8, 1756
Gamaliel Foundation branch of Saul Alinsky’s (IAF) Industrial Area Foundation is same Community Organizing Group Barack Obama worked prior to his Illinois Senate run. Mikey Weinstein attended 2008 International Leadership Event in Washington D.C.
A Clear and Present Danger: The Threat to Religious Liberty in the Military – Dec 12, 2013
Pentagon Taps Anti-Christian Extremist for Religious Tolerance Policy
Fundamentalist Christian Monsters: Papa’s Got A Brand New Bag
Among the Communist Goals for America which was entered as part of Congressional Record January 10, 1963 is:
#27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “Social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity.
#28 Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of “Separation” fo church and state”.
#29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
Is it possible to maintain liberties enjoyed by U.S. Constitution which are “Endowed by the Creator” and totally eliminate God, and Christianity?
Air Force Bows to Atheist Complaints: Will Remove Bible Requirement for On-Base Lodging
With the appeasement to Islam while attacking anything remotely connected to Christianity and “The Creator” are we opening a door for Established Religion and Religious Tyranny?
Mikey Weinstein’s attack on Military Religious Freedom. Is there a hidden agenda attacking all aspects of Christianity while advocating Islam? Why is no one speaking against “Established Religions??
If “The Creator” and Christianity is eliminated from America how will that effect our constitutional rights? Is Mikey and FFRF freedom of or Freedom (From). Are their actions “tolerant” or “Intolerance”?
Military chaplains told to shy from Jesus
To pray — or not to pray — in Jesus’ name is the question plaguing an increasing number of U.S. military “I am a Navy chaplain being fired because I pray in Jesus’ name,” said Navy Lt. Gordon Klingenschmitt, who will be holding 6 p.m. prayer vigils daily in Lafayette Park. This case surrounded Chaplin Lt. Klingenschmitt prayer for female enlisted who ask for prayer for engagement in homosexual affair.
Bill Clinton started the White House Ramadan Dinner. Is there really evidence of Obama’s claims of First Amendment freedoms are they really tolerable of “All” religions as stated in 2013 dinner?
An Egyptian magazine claims that six American Islamist activists who work with the Obama administration are Muslim Brotherhood operatives who enjoy strong influence over U.S. policy.
FFRF Freedom From Religion Foundation co-president Dan Barker bestowing a “Champion of the First Amendment” plaque upon Mikey Weinstein Photo by Brent Nicastro By Mikey Weinstein
Champion of the First Amendment” Award Acceptance Speech”
Daniel Edwin Barker President of FFRF global movement to eliminate Christianity.
“An elective despotism was not the government we fought for; but one in which the powers of government should be so divided and balanced among the several bodies of magistracy as that no one could transcend their legal limits without being effectually checked and restrained by the others.” – Federalist Papers, No. 58, 1788
As we approach celebration of liberty this July 4th is our individual liberties and freedoms better or worse since starting “War on Terror”??? We should ask ourselves does appeasement work or is the transformation “Psychological Warfare”?? Has America lost the generational race by Psychological Subversion, Hegemony, revisited history and “Cultural Marxism” i.e. Political Correctness? [Video] Blueprint if America found themselves loses their liberty. Largest granite monument called “The Matrix of Liberty” in America.
Quotes by James Madison “Father of Bill of Rights”.
“There is not a shadow of right in the general government to intermeddle with religion. Its least interference with it, would be a most flagrant usurpation. I can appeal to my uniform conduct on this subject, that I have warmly supported religious freedom.” – Journal, June 12, 1788
“I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.” – Speech to the Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 16, 1788
Evangelical Manifesto? The Marxists are IN THE CHURCH!
Gamaliel Foundation Marxist trained evangelicals are saying WE should apologize to terrorists
“Satan is the accuser of the brethren” 1 Timothy 13
Evangelical “Manifesto” is code for Marxist. Who would ever put a word so associated with Communism in the same sentence as religion? A community organizer trained by Saul Alinsky, the infamous mentor of Obama and Hillary who dedicated his book “Rules for Radicals” to Lucifer. That is who…
“America should apologize for torturing terrorist suspects held after Sept. 11, 2001, in the Middle East, Guantanamo Bay and dozens of other countries, a Christian ethicist and activist told an audience in Raleigh, North Carolina, this week. David Gushee, a professor at Mercer University in Georgia, spoke Tuesday night at Pullen Memorial Baptist Church. His speech, “Coming to Terms with Torture: Truth, Accountability, and Renunciation,” focused on a 6,400-page report he helped produce and was released last year by a panel formed by the Constitution Project, (funded by George Soros’ Open Society Institute)documenting the treatment of detainees. He also addressed the report by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence that was partially released in April.”
87th Congressional debate September 4, 1962 by Honorable James B. Utt of California on Paul Harvey’s article “UNESCO Communism’s Trap for our Children”.
Blowup in Beirut: U.S. Marines Peacekeeping Mission Turns Deadly
241 Dead marines at the hands of terrorists
“A terrorist truck bomb carrying explosives wrapped around gas cylinders detonated inside the BLT barracks, killing 241 people and injuring more than 100 while they slept. Investigators from the FBI would later determine that it was the largest nonnuclear blast they had ever studied. For the U.S. Marines, it was the largest loss of life in a single action since Vietnam; for the nation, it was the worst act of terrorism against Americans up to that time. In hindsight, it was a harbinger of what was to come.”
Everyone “Knows”
The one lesson everyone “knows” from World War II is that appeasement doesn’t work. The people who “know” this might not be able to locate the Sudetenland however ignorance is not a barrier to conviction. Link professor at the USAF Air War College in Montgomery, Alabama on the subject. He makes it clear that Britain’s implementation of Appeasement was terrible,
Navy Petty Officer Diver Robert Stetham passenger on TWA commercial Flight 847 murdered while on leave just because he was in Navy Uniform
Navy Petty Officer diver Robert Dean Stethem was killed on commercial TWA flight because he was in uniform
No Sympathy for Hijackers, Conwell Says
July 05, 1985|J. MICHAEL KENNEDY | Times Staff WriterHOUSTON — Allyn B. Conwell, the Texas oil executive who was thrust into the public spotlight as spokesman for the 39 hostages held for 16 days in the Mideast, said Thursday that the hijackers of TWA Flight 847 should be hunted down and punished and that he has no sympathy for them.
He also said that he voluntarily removed himself from the role of spokesman as the hostages were being brought back to the United States from West Germany, primarily because he felt that the Reagan Administration no longer wanted him to speak for the group. They singled out Navy diver Stetham and murdered him because he was in uniform. He was only 23 years old…
Col. Higgins Was Hanged, Shiites Say; Bush Outraged : Another Hostage Threatened
The Organization of the Oppressed on Earth, an offshoot of the pro-Iranian Hezbollah or Party of God, released a videotape of a man who appeared to be Higgins hanging from a gallows and said they had killed him today.
9. I strongly condemn the abduction and continuing detention of Lt. Col. Higgins. This incident occurred while he was carrying out functions assigned to him in order to assist UNIFIL to carry out the mandate given to it by the Security Council. That mandate has the full support of the Lebanese authorities and of the local population in southern Lebanon. I am greatly concerned about the possible implications such unwarranted attacks on members of the Force could have for its effectiveness. UNIFIL, if it is to continue its efforts to restore peace in southern Lebanon, must enjoy the full confidence and support of the local population and must receive co-operation from all the governments and armed groups active there
Hezbollah Rejects U.N. Call to Free American Hostage
BEIRUT — A pro-Iranian extremist group Sunday rejected a U.N. Security Council appeal for the release of American hostage Lt. Col. William R. Higgins, insisting that he was a U.S. spy working under U.N. cover.
Obama, Donors Block Relief for Families of Beirut Bombing Victims
“A high-powered Wall St. CEO and early, influential Obama supporter, Donald F. Donahue of the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), may be using his significant clout on behalf of the Obama administration and a questionable Iranian-linked strategic partner to stand in the way of American military families trying to recover billions of dollars to which they are legally entitled after being victimized by the infamous 1983 Iranian-sponsored bombing of a U.S. Marine Corp barracks in Beirut.”
Gamaliel Foundation, where Marxists are trained to infiltrate churches to order destroy them
On page 71, speaking of his training program for political organizers, Alinsky remarked: “The qualities we were trying to develop in organizers in the years of attempting to train them included some qualities that in all probability cannot be taught. They either had them, or could get them only through a miracle from above or below.”
Alinsky dedicated his book “Rules for Radicals” to Lucifer. It is considered the bible of the radical left.
On page 71, speaking of his training program for political organizers, Alinsky remarked: “The qualities we were trying to develop in organizers in the years of attempting to train them included some qualities that in all probability cannot be taught. They either had them, or could get them only through a miracle from above or below.”
“A Marxist begins with his prime truth that all evils are caused by the exploitation of the proletariat by the capitalists. From this he logically proceeds to the revolution to end capitalism, then into the third stage of reorganization into a new social order of the dictatorship of the proletariat, and finally the last stage — the political paradise of communism.”
“An Organizer working in and for an “Open Society” is an ideological dilemma to begin with, he does NOT have a “Fixed” truth, everything to him is relative and changing. To the extent that he is free from the shackles of dogma (accountability). He can respond to the realities of the widely different situationist” Rules For Radicals
To this day, most Americans do not fully understand what they are up against, and it may be too late for them to open their eyes to see their executioner clearly.
Selected Alinksy quotes paint the picture:
” . . . the primary assault would be on Biblical absolutes and Christian values.”
“Yesterday’s immoral terrorist is today’s moral and dignified statesman.”
“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.”
“One acts decisively only in the conviction that all the angels are on one side and all the devils on the other.”
“In a fight almost anything goes. It almost reaches the point where you stop to apologize if a chance blow lands above the belt.”
Read all of Alinsky’s poison in his 1971 book “Rules for Radicals,” which he dedicated to Lucifer. (Not kidding.)
He was a prophet of revolution, preaching any means are justified in the war against capitalism, the only moral value is victory.
He encouraged his followers to pose as middle class traditionalists, urging them to infiltrate, grab power, and attack. For Alinsky, those standing in his way were the enemy, and as with all enemies, they had to be destroyed.
So now you understand what has been happening since January 20, 2009.
Alinsky nurtured a special hatred for Christians
“Meet the genius sociopath godfather of the contemporary radicalized American Left, i.e., the modern-day Democrat Party, Saul Alinksy, patron saint of the Obama machine. Think of it: the most influential men in Obama’s life—Saul Alinsky, Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, and Franklin Davis Marshall—all pervert revolutionaries, all America haters, all communists.
To this day, most Americans do not fully understand what they are up against, and it may be too late for them to open their eyes to see their executioner clearly.”
Another Gamaliel Community Organizer who is over Pentagon Religious Freedom policy is a CONFESSED ATHEIST. “Freedom of Religion or “Freedom from Religion“.
If we created a “Religious Vacuum” eliminating God….Evil will fill that vacuum!! Proven Modern Warfare Strategy.
Christians Silenced By ‘Separation of Church and State’ Lie
People have demanded God doesn’t have a place in schools, in municipal buildings, even in stores.Why? Because nobody has stopped to inspect the U.S. Constitution. The world keeps saying they’re right because of this, non-existent piece of legislation and Christians appear to be too scared to face them. So, for the past however many years, Christianity has been hogtied. It’s as if our children are now in danger of suspension if they add the Name of the Most High God into a written paper, while if an unbelieving student goes around taking that same Name in vain, it’s considered art!”
Karl Marx and Engels created philosophy of psychology. There is clearly a reverse psychology guilt trip. Christian?? David Gushee is a leader at Gamaliel Foundation where both Obama and Mikey Weinstein atheist Jew. Gamaliel Foundation is branch of (IAF) Industrial Area Foundation started by Saul Alinsky himself. Shame on Stars and Stripes for posting this garbage.
Karl Marx Satanic Poems:
Editor’s note: This article was translated into English from material in a Russian book published under the name “Georgi Marchenko.” It was likely published for distribution during the time of the USSR under a pseudonym. The entire book was published in English as Marx & Satan by Richard Wurmbrand. Readers are encouraged to obtain a copy of this book if they find this article interesting.
HEARING Before the Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws, of the Committee on the Judiciary, Washington, D.C.
The subcommittee met, pursuant to call, at 10:20 a.m., in room 18, Old Senate Office Building, Senator Thomas J. Dodd presiding. Also present: Jay G. Sourwine, chief counsel; Benjamin Mandel, director of research; Frank W. Schroeder, chief investigator; and Robert C. McManus, investigations analyst.