Did you know that your TAX dollars are being used by "Faith based organizations," aka APOSTATE CHURCH NGO CHARITIES, to carry out Obama's illegal alien border crisis? AND did you know that the CEO of said company is pulling in $477, 000? Wait til you find out how much this "Baptist" organization was paid by … Continue Reading ››
"We have made the Reich by propaganda" Joseph Goebbels
“By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise.” – Adolf HitlerLt. … Continue Reading ››
The assaults against Religious Freedom since 2008 has been unprecedented in U.S. since Revolutionary War with no course for redress given. The attacks by Weinstein and his personal front FFRF are undeniable. Freedom (From) Religion Foundation has been at the very forefront of every attack against Religious Freedom within military since Weinstein's appointment … Continue Reading ››