“…..The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie.
Joseph Goebbels Nazi Minister of Propaganda
Hillary Clinton: Obama immigration effort ‘historic step’
OF COURSE HILLARY OBAMA SERVED AS YOUR SCAPEGOAT. IT WAS CLINTON ADMINISTRATION WHO DID GREAT VIOLATION TO IMMIGRATION LAWS. But back in June during illegal children “active measure” Hillary stated “She’d send them back”. Hillary really thinks America is so dumbed down from psychological subversion no one has mental ability to fact check her. With her millions for “Information Wars” and repealing “Smith-Mundt” Act she’s got it in the bag. What Hillary is saying is still too much truth leaking out. Wondering if HIllary bossing Obama hurts his ego?
Marbury V. Madison 1863 All Laws contrary to constitution are “Null and Void”.
Did Congress through the years sign their powers on Immigration and Naturalization away or was it done by Executive Order?
First there was Executive Order 12208 Refugee Act delegating full authority to executive branch deciding refugees into U.S. Executive Order 12208 changed U.S. immigration laws on refugees to align with “International Laws”.
Before 1991, naturalization within the United States was a judicial function exercised since 1790 by various courts designated in statutes enacted by Congress under its constitutional power to establish a uniform rule of naturalization. During Clinton Administration October 1, 1991, Congress transferred the naturalization authority to the Attorney General. During Bush #43 administration power was transferred to Homeland Security.
This has to be why Obama administration got by with threats of “pink slips” to border agents before election. Chris Crane sued Homeland Security and Janet Napolitano but no justice served. Napolitano stepped down replaced with Muslim Brotherhood Mohamed Elibiary Is America seeing some drama unfold to cover these treasonous acts? This means Elibiary (Muslim Brotherhood) had full power over immigration and naturalization during his tenure as Chief of HLS. Could Elibiary have organized Boston Bombing after reviving Bush #43 Saudi-Fast Track Visa Program? Is it any wonder all ties between terrorism and Islam were de-linked?
Chapter 3: USCIS Authority to Naturalize Revisions and transfer of power.
October 1, 1991, Congress transferred the naturalization authority to the Attorney General (now the Secretary of DHS). USCIS is authorized to perform such acts as deemed necessary to properly implement the Secretary’s authority. [3] In certain cases, an applicant for naturalization may choose to have the Oath of Allegiance [4] administered by USCIS or by an eligible court with jurisdiction. Eligible courts may choose to have exclusive authority to administer the Oath of Allegiance.
Federal Immigration and Nationality Act Section 8 USC 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv)(b)(iii) prohibits transfer or hiring illegals.
The treason and transfer of powers has been bi-partisan effort. The above immigration laws speak for themselves. In November 2002, Congress passed the Homeland Security Act (116 Stat. 2135), which abolished the Immigration and Naturalization Service and transferred most immigration functions to the Department of Homeland Security. This chapter describes immigration administration after the Homeland Security Act (HSA).
The 1892 Church of The Holy Trinity vs. U.S.; 143 U.S. 457, 458 Supreme Court Ruling mirrored Federal Immigration and Nationality Act Section 8 USC 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv)(b)(iii) above.
U.S.; 143 U.S. 457, 458 Trinity Church VS. U.S. resulted in two part decision since it effected both "churches" and "immigration". The ruling on immigration of foreign English pastors for hire was:
"It shall be unlawful for any person, company, partnership, or corporation, in any manner whatsoever to...in any way assist or encourage the importation...of any alien or...foreigners into the United States...under contract or agreement...to perform labor or service of
any kind". Church of The Holy Trinity vs. U.S.; 143 U.S. 457, 458 (1892).
Ronald Reagan's amnesty changed Geo-political face of California and electoral votes. In 1991 Clinton administration Title 8 Immigration laws were transferred the "rule of law" to "Attorney General" under Chapter 3 revision act.
Without revisions on Immigration and Naturalization laws our progressive economical and immigration crisis was treason.
In 1929 due to massive immigration War Department DOD published training manual on immigration. DOD details dangers of massive immigration and details recommendations for solution for America’s sovereignty.

Obama’s blanket Amnesty carry over from previous administrations.
Obama public announcement his amnesty would fix broken immigration system. While Jeb Bush ordering GOP to move on immigration with bi-partisan effort.
The money laundering is hard to track due to money funneled through various groups with ties to Gamaliel Foundation. These groups have infiltrated churches and leaders such as David Gushee writing “Evangelical Manifesto”. Among Gamaliel leaders receiving Alinsky styled training is Barack Obama and Mikey Weinstein.
Lawsuits were filed mentioning money laundering for birth control by Faith-based charities grants. Gamaliel Foundation boasts of amnesty accomplishment. Only Univision carried Obama’s amnesty speech. Another Gamaliel Alinsky organizer Rep. Gutierrez told Obama it was time to pay up.
In pre-recorded propaganda speech Obama uses scriptures for typical Alinsky fourth “Kill Rule”. “Make the Enemy live up to his own rules”. Alinsky stated they could literally kill Christians with this. Ronald Reagan’s amnesty reshaped geopolitical face of California with largest number of electoral votes. Most widely used mention of bible scriptures, God or Jesus these days is when used as guilt trip and reverse psychology.
Romans 13:2 So those who refuse to obey the laws of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow.
Leviticus 24:22, NKJV You shall have (the same) law for the stranger and for one from your own country; for I am the LORD your God.