Tag Archives: Islam Muslim Caliphate


Traitors Within Our Government Have Aided the Enemy: Mosques Are the Barracks of Jihad


State Dept. “Fixed” Religious Freedom in 1998?

Flashback: 1998 State Department Meeting Memo to fix Religious Freedom in Middle East.

They really fixed it, didn't they? While Reading this just remember how they have taken Religious Freedom away here by silent Encroachments. The Embassy's Political Counselor discussed religious freedom in a December 1998 meeting with a Ministry of Foreign Affairs official.
     In a … Continue Reading ››

Holy War is Invisible to the Faithless

Jesus asked this question, “when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” (Lk 18:8). http://www.thepropheticyears.com/wordpress/when-jesus-comes-will-there-be-faith-on-the-earth-yes-no-and-then-yes.html

Christians ‘Crucified Again’ for refusing Islam

Not covered by the mainstream media is the targeted killing of Christians in Muslim countries as well as the apostate Muslims who are not "Sharia" enough...http://www.humanevents.com/2014/05/06/christians-crucified-again-for-refusing-islam/

The mass exodus of … Continue Reading ››
